Media Talk (March 1-8, 2013)

Camille Rutherford, associate professor, Education, on TVO The Agenda with Steve Paikin (March 4)

Camille Rutherford, associate professor, Education, TVO The Agenda with Steve Paikin (March 4)

EDITORS NOTE: The “Media Talk” section of The Brock News, which has been dormant for the last five months, is being revived.

“Media Talk” is a recurring summary of select Brock faculty, staff and student appearances in the media. If you have details of a media appearance to share with The Brock News, please send them to

* March 1: St. Catharines Standard – column “Now we depend on problem gamblers’ money,” by Lynn McCleary, associate professor, Nursing

* March 1: The Conversation – commentary “Let’s not mince words, the horse meat scandal is all about our chemical romance with flesh,” by John Sorenson, professor, Sociology/Critical Animal Studies

* March 4: Globe and MailWhat’s behind the horsemeat outcry?
Featuring comments by by John Sorenson, professor, Sociology/Critical Animal Studies

* March 4: TVO The Agenda with Steve Paikin, “Teaching towards the future
Camille Rutherford, associate professor, Education, was one of four panelists who took part in the latest installment of TVO The Agenda’s special Learning 2030 series, which asked “Are Ontario teachers ready for the digital future?”

* March 4: Live ScienceWhy It Pays to Be a Bit of a Psychopath
Featuring comments by Michael Ashton, professor, Psychology,

* March 5: AM 900 CHML (Hamilton), Scott Thompson show (Hour #2)
Kendra Coulter, assistant professor, Labour Studies, is interviewed about the first openings of Target’s highly-anticipated outlets in Ontario and what the implications are for retail labour

* March 6: CBC Radio One Windsor, Early Shift “Target’s arrival is being met with some skepticism
Kendra Coulter, assistant professor, Labour Studies, speak to issue of Target’s arrival in Canada and how it treats its workers

* March 6: Globe and Mail, commentary, “China’s Communists find Marxism,” by Charles Burton, associate professor, Political Science

For more examples of Brock faculty news appearances, check out the “Researchers in the news” section of Research Services website.

Read more stories in: In the Media
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