CCOVI bottles up another successful Lecture Series

Karl Kaiser, CCOVI professional affiliate and co-founder of Iniskillin wines, with Debbi Inglis, director of CCOVI, after his 2012 Lecture Series talk

Karl Kaiser, CCOVI professional affiliate and co-founder of Iniskillin wines, with Debbie Inglis, director of CCOVI, after his 2012 Lecture Series talk

Brock’s Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute (CCOVI) enjoyed another successful Lecture Series this year.

The series featured 11 talks by CCOVI fellows and professional affiliates and presented current topics of importance to grape growers and winemakers, ranging from viticulture and winemaking to wine business and culture.

All of the 2012 lectures have been posted to the CCOVI website for viewing, along with accompanying Power Point presentations used by the speakers during their talks.

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