Publications — Sept. 29

Cronin, Keri J. (Visual Arts). (2011). “‘Can’t You Talk?’: Voice and Visual Culture in Early Animal Welfare Campaigns” in Early Popular Visual Culture 9 no. 3, pp. 203-223.

McGarrell, H. M. (Applied Linguistics) and Courchêne, R. (Eds.) (2011). Special Research Symposium Issue of CONTACT.  Refereed Proceedings of TESL Ontario Research Symposium, October 2010.  Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 102.

Savage, Larry (Labour Studies) and Dennis Soron (Sociology). (2011). “Organized Labor and the Politics of Nuclear Power: The Case of the Canadian Nuclear Workers Council” in Capitalism Nature Socialism, Vol 22. no.3, pp. 8-29.

Ben-El-Mechaiekh, Hichem (Mathematics), Dimand, Robert W. (Economics). (2011). “A Simpler Proof of the von Neumann Minimax Theorem” in The American Mathematical Monthly, Volume 118, No. 7.

Pomerantz, Shauna and Raby, Rebecca (Child and Youth Studies). (2011). “‘Oh, she’s so smart’: Girl’s complex engagements with post/feminist narratives of academic success” in Gender and Education, 23 (5), pp. 549-564.

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