Publications — March 17

Here are some recent publications by Brock faculty and staff.

Cherubini, Lorenzo and Volante, Louis. (2010). “Policies and paradox: A view of school leadership in the context of Aboriginal education in Ontario, Canada.” In A. Normore (Ed.), Global Perspectves on Educational Leadership Reform: The Development and Preparation of Leaders of Learning and Learners of Leadership, Volume 11. Emerald Press, pp. 125-141.

Dolansky, F. (2011). “Reconsidering the Matronalia and women’s rites,” Classical World 104.2, pp. 191-209.

Farrell, T. S. C. (2010). “Extensive Reading: Proceed with caution (Part I).” The English Connection, 14, 1, p. 23.

Farrell, T. S. C. (2010). “Extensive Reading: Proceed with caution (Part II).” The English Connection, 14, 2, p21.

Farrell, T. S. C. (2010). “Language teacher evaluation.” The English Connection, 14, 3, p. 29.

Farrell, T. S. C. (2010). “Who is the self that teaches?” The English Connection, 14, 4, p. 23.

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