Video: If you can….

Brock has released a new undergraduate recruitment video that has really taken off – it’s gotten more than 8,000 views on YouTube within the first 72 hours.

Titled “If you can,” the video shows several aspects of what it means to be a Brock student, taking an edgy and unconventional approach. It was released late last week.

The video was produced by University Marketing and Communications along with Recruitment and Liaison Services. It was filmed on campus one day in mid-January. Shoot locations included the fourth floor of Plaza Building, and a few locations in Thistle and Academic South.

More than 10 students, staff and faculty were involved in on-camera work, and many more behind the scenes.

“Our hope is that this video will inspire prospective students to consider Brock as a viable option,” said Kevin Grout, Marketing Communications manager for Brock. “On a larger scale, we hope the video will help unite the Brock community around the strong messaging.”

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4 comments on “Video: If you can….”

  1. Rob Wilkinson says:

    Awesome Job everyone! Fantastic opportunity to showcase our school, and it’s excellence!

  2. Sandor Ligetfalvy says:

    I understand why it was written this way.. I do.
    But if I was in a wheelchair I’d feel pretty lousy.

  3. Kevin Grout says:

    Hi Sandor,

    Thanks for your response. One of the key points of the video is to show the absurdity of the original “If you can walk and talk” statement. There were very few options to accomplish that feat without at least referencing part of the saying. Admittedly, the video is much more powerful for those who are familiar with that statement, and the historical negativity that it has attempted to paint our school with.

    We did also consult with our accessibility office when developing the video. In fact, our campus was one of the first in Ontario to hire a full-time University Accessibility Coordinator, and Brock continues to be a leader in providing services for students with disabilities of all types.

    Happy to answer any other questions that you may have, but want to assure you that this video was approached with sensitivity, education, and a desire to include ALL students.

  4. Sandor Ligetfalvy says:

    Yeah, I agree. It is catchy to take on the “if you can walk and talk” statement. There’s only so many things that can be said in 1 minute 30 seconds and it won’t always satisfy everyone. I didn’t mean to imply that Brock was insensitive in producing this video but simply that there is an unintentional implication. If you had consulted with accessibility office and they did not have anything to offer this video, that is understandable. Nevertheless I can picture a clip in this video to include someone like the gentleman from Earp residence who is wheelchair mobile but is a residence social coordinator, or Ned who has Cerebral Palsy but is in Sports Management: “If you can overcome your challenges / if you can face yourself and decide to succeed” you can go to Brock.
    – Sandor