Update on search for Dean, Faculty of Mathematics and Science

The advisory committee is pleased to announce the names of the three short-listed candidates for the position of Dean, Faculty of Mathematics and Science.

  • Ejaz Ahmed, University of Windsor;
  • Peter Bodorik, Dalhousie University; and
  • Gino Fallone, University of Alberta.

The candidates have been invited to Brock to meet with the advisory committee, senior administration, and faculty, staff and students. Each candidate will be making a public presentation to the Brock community on the following dates:

  • Ahmed on Friday, April 8 at 9 a.m.;
  • Bodorik on Friday, April 15 at 2 p.m.; and
  • Fallone on Tuesday, April 19 at 2 p.m.

All three presentations will be held in the E-classroom (TH 253).

The CVs of the applicants are available for review through the Office of the Vice-President Academic or the Office of the Dean of Mathematics and Science, and are also on reserve in the University Library. Members of the Brock community are encouraged to attend each of the presentations and are invited to make written submissions with respect to the suitability of each candidate for the position of Dean. Anonymous submissions will not be accepted. Submissions will be confidential to the advisory committee and will be destroyed on completion of the committee’s work. Please direct hard copy submissions to:

Murray Knuttila, Chair of the Advisory Committee,
Re: Dean, Faculty of Mathematics and Science

Electronic submissions may be sent an email to MathsandScienceDeansSearch@brocku.ca

For further information, contact Patrick Beard at pbeard@brocku.ca (905-688-5550 x4082) or Murray Knuttila at mknuttila@brocku.ca (905-688-5550 x4121).

The deadline for submissions is Thursday, April 21 at 4:30 p.m.

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