Professor publishes book about children’s literature

Lissa Paul - The Children's Book BusinessLissa Paul, professor of Education, has published a new book.

Her book, The Children’s Book Business: Lessons from the Long Eighteenth Century, was released Dec. 14 by Routledge.

Here’s a description from the publisher:

In The Children’s Book Business, Lissa Paul constructs a new kind of book biography. By focusing on Eliza Fenwick’s1805 product-placement novel, Visits to the Juvenile Library, in the context of Marjorie Moon’s 1990 bibliography, Benjamin Tabart’s Juvenile Library, Paul explains how twenty-first century cultural sensibilities are informed by late eighteenth-century attitudes towards children, reading, knowledge, and publishing. The thinking, knowing children of the Enlightenment, she argues, are models for present day technologically-connected, socially-conscious children; the increasingly obsolete images of Romantic innocent and ignorant children are bracketed between the two periods.

Paul is the author of Reading Otherways (Thimble 1998), an associate general editor of The Norton Anthology of Children’s Literature (Norton 2005), and co-editor, with Phil Nel, of Keywords for Children’s Literature (New York UP 2011) . She is currently working on a biography of Eliza Fenwick (1767-1840). — The Children’s Book Business
Routledge — The Children’s Book Business

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