More than 300 attending technology and teaching showcase


Kimberly Roundtree from Turning Technologies demonstrates interactive classroom response technology at the 2010 ACES conference.

More than 300 practising and student teachers will gather at Brock’s Hamilton campus this Friday to learn more about new technologies to use in their classrooms.

This includes teachers from school boards in Grand Erie, Halton, Hamilton, Niagara and Peel regions as well as students enrolled in Brock’s Teacher Education program.

The third annual Teaching and Technology: A Collaborative Educational Showcase (ACES) aims to expose elementary- and high-school teachers to new classroom tools and innovative resources that will help them teach students in new and exciting ways.

“The purpose of this event is to help create a critical mass of educators to support twenty-first-century learning in Ontario schools,” said Camille Rutherford, the conference’s lead organizer. “The big question is, how do we bring these new technologies, be it social media, cell phones, tablet computers or e-textbooks, into classrooms so that they support learning, as opposed to creating distractions?

“Teachers are inundated with new learning technologies and this conference provides them with an opportunity to find out more about what’s out there and how it can be used to enhance education.”

The ACES conference is one of the largest free professional development events for students and teachers in Ontario. Any revenue generated will be used to purchase more technological resources for Brock’s Hamilton campus, which specializes in pre-service, continuing and technological teacher education.

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