Layton applauds Brock’s Movember efforts

The leader of the federal NDP has applauded Brock’s Movember efforts.

Jack Layton, a prostate cancer survivor, recently wrote a letter addressed to “Brock University Movember campaign organizers, volunteers and supporters.” The letter was in response to student Jonathon Verscheure, 21, who wrote Layton to tell him about the university’s efforts to raise money and awareness for prostate cancer.

“At Brock University, winter festivities are starting early with the Movember campaign!” Layton wrote.

“As many of you know, last February, I announced that I am one of the one in 25,000 Canadian men diagnosed each year with prostate cancer. What many people didn’t know was that prostate cancer was not new to my family. My dad, Robert Layton, was also diagnosed with prostate cancer. He beat it and I will too.”

Events like Movember let men struggling with prostate cancer “know that many of you care, and are standing with us,” he said.

Men participated in Movember by growing moustaches, which most have shaved off today. Participants also collected donations for prostate cancer research. Several staff and student teams participated.

Read the letter

Related stories:
Brock raises money for Movember
Moustache for a month — all for a good cause (2009)

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