Media Talk: What if Dostoyevsky had been an online gambler?

John Sainsbury, professor of History, wrote the opinion piece “What if Dostoyevsky had been an online gambler?” for the Globe and Mail on Aug. 20. Put the 19th-century Russian novelist in front of a computer screen, Sainsbury writes, and chances are he’d soon max out his credit card on a cyberspace roulette wheel rather than complete his rewrite of The Brothers Karamazov.

He also wrote “Catholicism’s culture of secrecy” in the National Post on Aug. 24, as well as “Why Aussies can debate the monarchy, but we can’t” in the Ottawa Citizen on Aug. 25.

• What if Dostoyevsky had been an online gambler? — The Globe and Mail
Catholicism’s culture of secrecy — National Post
Why Aussies can debate the monarchy, but we can’t — Ottawa Citizen

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