Thesis defences — posted June 8

MSc in Kinesiology thesis defence — Geoffrey Hartley

Geoffrey Hartley (MSc Kinesiology) will defend his thesis on Monday, June 14 at 10 am in WH147. Title: “The Effect of Altered Heat Stress on Voluntary Pacing Strategies during Prolonged Cycling.”  Supervisor: Stephen Cheung; advisory committee: Andreas Flouris and Mike Plyley; external examiner: Tom McLellan, DRDC-Toronto;  chair: Jae Patterson.

MSc in Management thesis defence — Gulsum Aysan

Master of Science in Management thesis defence for Gulsum Aysan, Faculty of Business, Department of Marketing, International Business and Strategy, will be Tuesday, June 29 at 9:30 a.m. in Sankey Chambers.  The title of her thesis is “The Metacognitive Cue of Fluency on Taste Perception.” Her examining committee members are Michael Ashton, chair; Monica LaBarge, external examiner, School of Business, Queen’s University; Antonia Mantonakis, supervisor; Eric Dolansky and Kai-Yu Wang. All are welcome.

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