Publications – May 6

Chrisler, J. C., and McCreary, D. R. (Eds.) (2010.) Handbook of Gender Research in Psychology. Volume 1: Gender Research in General and Experimental Psychology. New York: Springer.

Chrisler, J. C., and McCreary, D. R. (Eds.) (2010.) Handbook of Gender Research in Psychology. Volume 2: Gender Research in Social and Applied Psychology. New York: Springer.

Grant, Barry Keith. (2010.) “From Scream to Screens: Paradigms of Horror.” Loading . . . : Journal of the Canadian Game Studies Association: pp 1-17.  Online at

Hayes, D. (2010.) “Duty and service: The life and career of a Tamil teacher of English in Sri Lanka.” TESOL Quarterly, 44, pp. 58-83.

Kaciak, Eugene and Kushner, Joseph. (2010.) “What Motivates Residents to Recycle: A Case Study.” Municipal World April 2010, Volume 120, Number 4, pp. 41-42.

Lach, L. M., Elliott, I., Giecko, T., Olds, J., Snyder, T., McCleary, L., Whiting, S., Lowe, A., Nimigon, J., and Smith, M. L. (2010.) “Patient-reported outcome of pediatric epilepsy surgery: Social inclusion or exclusion as young adults?” Epilepsia, online Early View. doi:10.1111/j.1528-1167.2010.02584.x.

William W. Purkey, John J. Schmidt and John M. Novak. (2010.) “From Conflict to Conciliation: How to Defuse Difficult Situations.” Corwin: A SAGE Company.

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