Publications – week of April 22

Conley, Tim. (2010.) “It is hard to be different.” Lowestoft Chronicle 1. Online at

Conn, D., Feldman, S., Gibson, M., Hirst, S., Leung, S., & McCleary, L. (Development Group). (2010.) Tool on the Assessment & Treatment of Behavioural Symptoms of Adults Living in Long Term Care Facilities. Toronto: Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health. Available for free download at

Grant, Barry Keith. (2010.) “Taking Back the Night of the Living Dead: George Romero, Feminism and the Horror Film,” in Studies in the Horror Film: Night of the Living Dead, ed. Jerad Walter and Marco Lanzagorta (Lakeview, Colo.: Centipede Press): pp. 193-207.

Hayes, D. (2010.) “Duty and service: The life and career of a Tamil teacher of English in Sri Lanka.” TESOL Quarterly, 44, pp. 58-83.

Mintz, Eric (Memorial University), Tossutti, Livianna (Brock University) and Dunn, Christopher (Memorial University). (2011.) Democracy, Diversity, and Good Government: an introduction to politics in Canada. Toronto: Pearson Education Canada.

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