Generous donors and government bonus brings in $1.8 million for student awards

Brock University’s endowment has increased more than $1.8 million this year to help students with financial needs, thanks to generous donors and to an Ontario government program that multiplied donated bursary money raised by the University.

Thanks to the support of Brock’s faculty and staff, along with friends, alumni, students and parents, we have surpassed our nearly $500,000 2009-10 Ontario Trust for Student Support (OTSS) goal. Between April 1, 2009 and March 31, 2010, nearly $760,000 was received for Brock’s student awards endowment.

Combined with over $1 million in guaranteed matching funds from the government of Ontario, at minimum, over $1.8 million will be directed to helping students in financial need through endowed student awards.

Even more exciting is that Brock may also qualify for a share of remaining OTSS funds that were unused by other universities this year. If we are fully matched, this would result in a nearly $2.6-million increase in our student awards endowment.

It is truly amazing what we can do when we work together to achieve our goals. The energy and determination shown by the Brock Community this spring has been an inspiration to behold, and you should all feel good about such proud achievements.

To those of you who have supported the campaign, thank you. Your support will provide youth with the opportunity for a university education and, importantly, the Brock experience. Thank you for investment in a bold new Brock and a bold new future.

Doug Earle
Executive Director, The Campaign for a Bold New Brock

P.S. If you have not yet returned your Family Campaign pledge form, please consider joining your colleagues and become a part of this crucial campaign. Your gift can be directed to any of the priority areas, including student awards (which will help us achieve our 2010-11 OTSS goal), the Mentorship Plus program, empowering faculty as educator-researchers and innovators, or one of the six building projects, Visit for more details.

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