Upcoming thesis defences

Applied Health Sciences

Master of Arts thesis defence for Barbara Szybra, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences will be on Friday, Feb. 26 at 1 p.m. in WC204B. The title of her thesis is “Association between Youth Leisure, Peer Social Capital and Academic Performance among Canadian Youth.” Supervisor: Glenn Stalker; advisory committee: Jian Liu and Trent Newmeyer; external examiner: Sue Arai, PhD, University of Waterloo. Chair: Scott Forrester. All are welcome!


Michelle Hudon, Master of Education student, will present her thesis defence on Friday, March 5 at 2 p.m. in WH 147 (Welch Hall). The title of the thesis is “Assessment Done Write: Using Collaboration to Reculture Teacher Learning.” External examiner: Kathryn Noel, University of Western Ontario; supervisor: Joe Engemann; committee members: Ruth McQuirte Scott and Dr. Susan Sydor; chair of the examining committee: Denise Paquette-Frenette. All are welcome to attend.

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