Ally Rutger, left, and Rachel Crane, right, with St. Catharines torch runner Ted Van Geest when the torch passed through St. Catharines
Ally Ruttger and Rachel Crane aren’t interested in the Olympics that everyone can see when they turn on the TV. They want to document the side of the 2010 Olympic Winter Games that few get to experience.
The Brock students were chosen for a team of 57 Samsung Mobile Explorers who will document their experiences at the Vancouver games this month. But rather than reporting on the actual events, the duo say they’re anxious to record the athletes, fans and atmosphere that few get to see.
“We’re excited to show people what it’s like beyond CTV,” said Ruttger, a third-year Social Science student.
The pair will be covering, as Crane puts it, the “cultural Olympiad.”
Crane and Ruttger won the Samsung contest after making a video showcasing their originality, creativity and ability to social network. On Facebook, they gained about 730 supporters.
“We were overwhelmed by the support we got,” said Crane, a fourth-year Business Administration student.
They will document the Olympics using the latest Samsung mobile phones and communicate their experiences to the world through daily text messaging and online posts. The posts will be at www.samsung.com/vancouver2010.
Ruttger is a Burlington native, and Crane hails from Georgetown. They say they are excited to carry the Brock banner to the games. The trip, said Crane, is a perfect example of Brock’s “Both Sides of the Brain” aspect of developing well-rounded students.
In addition to academics, she said, “we have this whole other component to our lives.”
The duo leaves Feb. 10 and will be in Vancouver for 20 days.
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