Publications – Week of Jan. 21/10

Costello, K., and Hodson, G. (2010). “Exploring the roots of dehumanization: The role of animal-human similarity in promoting immigrant humanization.” Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 13, pp. 3-22.

Frampton, Mark B., and Zelisko, Paul M. (2009). “Organosilicon Biotechnology.”  Silicon, 1, pp. 147-163.

Gaucher, D., Hafer, C. L., Kay, A. C., & Davidenko, N. (2010). “Compensatory rationalizations and the resolution of everyday undeserved outcomes.” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36,  pp. 109-118.

Herath, Hemantha, Bremser , W. and Birnberg, J. (2010). “Joint Selection of Balanced Scorecard Targets and Weights in a Collaborative Setting.” Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Volume 29, Number 1, pp. 45-59.

Paul, Lissa. (2009). “Dancing in the Hall of Mirrors.” Reading the Novels of Aidan Chambers: Seven Essays. Ed. N. Chambers. Stroud: The Thimble Press, pp. 62-72.

Paul, Lissa. (2009). “Learning to be Literate.” Cambridge Companion to Children’s Books.  Ed. Matthew Grenby and Andrea Immell. Cambridge, Cambridge UP, pp. 126-41.

Paul, Lissa. (2009). “Multicultural Agendas.” Children’s Literature: Approaches and Territories. Ed. Janet Maybin and Nicola J. Watson. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan and the Open University, pp. 84-99.

Vasseur, L. (2009). “Les traditions et l’engagement des femmes dans les communautés rurales des pays du Sud.” Les grands enjeux des femmes pour un développement durable, Presses de L’Université du Québec, pp. 59-69.

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