Publications – Week of Dec. 3/09

Conley, Tim. (2009). “This Little Prodigy Went to Market: The Education of J. R.” William Gaddis, “The Last of Something”: Critical Essays. Ed. Christopher Leise, Crystal Alberts, and Birger Vanwesenbeeck. Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Company, 2010 (publ. 2009). pp. 126-142.


Conley, Tim. (2009). “The Woman Who,” “News Item,” “Rebel,” and “Next.” The Capilano Review 3.9 (2009): pp. 59-62.

Dimand, Robert. (2009). “Central Themes in Paul Davidson’s John Maynard Keynes,” Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Vol. 32, No. 1 (Fall), pp. 59-72.

Foster, Derek S. (2009). “Locating children in the discourse of squeegee kids.” In Depicting Canada’s Children (Loren Lerner, ed.) Wilfrid Laurier Press, pp. 201-217.

Mackintosh, Phillip Gordon and Anderson, Richard (2009) (in press) The Toronto Star Fresh Air Fund: transcendental rescue in a modern city, 1900-1915, The Geographical Review, 99, 4.

Mackintosh, Phillip Gordon and Forsberg, Clyde R. (2009). Performing the Lodge: Masonry, masculinity, and nineteenth-century North American moral geography, Journal of Historical Geography, 35,
pp. 451-472.

McCleary, L., McGilton, K., Boscart, V., Outdhoorn, A. (2009). Improving gerontology content in baccalaureate nursing education through knowledge transfer to nurse educators. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership, 22(3), pp. 33-46.

Royal, Matthew S. (2009). “Mapping Voice Leading from Four through Forty Voices: A Tool for Pedagogy.” Journal of Music Theory Pedagogy, 23, pp. 3-37.

Savage, Larry; Butovsky, Jonah and Cecckin, Brigitte. (2009). “New Voices in Labour Studies: An Introduction,” Just Labour: A Canadian Journal of Work and Society, Volume 14 (Autumn 2009), pp. 114-116.


Taber, N. (2009). The Profession of Arms: Ideological codes and dominant narratives of gender in the Canadian military. Atlantis: A Women’s Studies Journal, 34(1), pp. 27-36.

Taber, N. (2009). Exploring the interconnections between adult education, militarism, and gender: Implications for our field. Studies in Continuing Education, 31(2), pp. 189-196.

Tossutti, Livianna. (2009). Family, Religion and Civic Engagement: an intergenerational comparative analysis. Available at:

Tsarev, S.P. and Wolf, T. (2009). “Hyperdeterminants as integrable discrete systems,” J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 454023 (9pp) doi: 10.1088/1751-8113/42/45/454023 [arXiv:0903.3864 [nlin.SI]]

Wolf, T. (2009). “Positions in the game of Go as Complex Systems,” Proceedings of 2009, IEEE Toronto International Conference (TIC-STH 2009) — Science and Technology for Humanity, IEEE, Toronto, pp. 222-229, ISBN 978-1-4244-3878-5 (2009).

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