Publications for the week of Dec. 21/09

Amprimoz, Alexandre L. (2009). “If the Spirit Were to Breathe Again I.” Contemporary Verse 2 32.1, pp. 128-28.

Amprimoz, Alexandre L. (2009). “If the Spirit Were to Breathe Again II.” Contemporary Verse 2 32.1, pp. 129-29.

Amprimoz, Alexandre L. (2009). “If the Spirit Were to Breathe Again III.” Contemporary Verse 2 32.1, pp. 130-30.

Amprimoz, Alexandre L. (2009). “If the Spirit Were to Breathe Again IV.” Contemporary Verse 2 32.1, pp. 131-31.

Amprimoz, Alexandre L. (2009). “If the Spirit Were to Breathe Again V.” Contemporary Verse 2 32.1, pp. 132-32.

Amprimoz, Alexandre L. (2009). “Le génie du lieu.” Sillons: Hommages à Gabrielle Roy. Ed. Lise Gaboury-Diallo. Saint-Boniface: Les Editions du blè, pp. 113-16.

S. C. Anco and E. Asadi. (2009). “Quaternion soliton equations from Hamiltonian curve flows in HP^n.”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42, pp. 485201.

S. C. Anco and A. Dar. (2009). “Classification of conservation laws of compressible isentropic fluid flow in n>1 spatial dimensions.”, Proc. Roy. Soc. A 465, pp. 2461-2488.

S. C. Anco and S. Vacaru. (2009). “Curve flows in Lagrange-Finsler geometry, bi-Hamiltonian structures and solitons.”, J. Geom. Phys. 59, pp. 79-103.

S. C. Anco. (2008). “Group-invariant soliton equations and bi-Hamiltonian geometric curve flows in Riemannian symmetric spaces.” J. Geom. Phys. 58, pp. 1-37.

Carrillo, A. E., R. J. L. Murphy, and S. S. Cheung. (2008). “Effects of acute and short-term vitamin C supplementation on immune factors following exercise in the heat.” Int. J. Sports Physiol. Perform. 3, pp. 516-530.

Cavallin, N. and Vasseur, L. (2009). “Red spruce forest regeneration dynamics across a gradient from Acadian forest to old field in Greenwich, Prince Edward Island National Park.” Plant Ecology, 201 (1), pp. 169-180.

De Grosbois, Danuta; Kaethler, John; and Young, Alexandra. (2009). “Discovering the World: Discovering Myself” in Internationalization And The Student Voice. (Elspeth Jones, ed.) Routledge, pp. 68-82.

Dimand, Robert W., and Barbara J. Spencer. (2009). “Trevor Swan and the Neoclassical Growth Model,” in Mauro Boianovsky and Kevin D. Hoover, eds., Robert Solow and the Development of Growth Economics, Durham, NC, and London: Duke University Press, Annual Supplement to History of Political Economy Volume 41, pp. 107-126.

Dimand, Robert W., and Steven N. Durlauf (2009), “James Tobin and Growth Theory: Financial Factors and Long-Run Growth,” in Mauro Boianovsky and Kevin D. Hoover, eds., Robert Solow and the Development of Growth Economics, Durham, NC, and London: Duke University Press, Annual Supplement to History  of Political Economy Volume 41, pp. 182-199.

B. Djukic and M. T. Lemaire. (2009). “A Hybrid Spin-Crossover Conductor Exhibiting Unusual Variable Temperature Electrical Conductivity.”  Inorg. Chem., 48, pp. 10489-10491.

Gallant, D.; Vasseur, L.; Dumond, M.; Tremblay, E.; and Bérubé, C. (2009). “Habitat selection by river otters (Lontra canadensis) under contrasting land use regimes.” Can. J. Zool., 87: pp. 422-432.

J. B. Gilroy; M. T. Lemaire; B. O. Patrick; R. G. Hicks. (2009). “Structure and magnetism of a verdazyl radical clathrate hydrate. Strong intermolecular magnetic interactions derived from p-stacking within ice-like channels.” CrystEngComm. 11, pp. 2180-2184.

Mantonakis, Antonia, Pauline Rodero, Isabelle Lesschaeve, and Reid Hastie. (2009). “Order in Choice: Effects of Serial Position on Preferences,” Psychological Science, 20(11), pp. 1309-1312.

Mgombelo, Joyce and Buteau, Chantal. (2009). “Prospective Secondary Mathematics Teachers Repositioning by Designing, Implementing and Testing Learning Objects: A Conceptual Framework.” International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 40 (8), pp. 1051-1068.

Ribaric, T. (2009). Automatic preparation of ETD material from the internet archive for the DSpace repository platform. The code4lib Journal, (8) Retrieved from

Ritchie, Ian. (2010). “The Sociology of Science: Sport, Training, and the Use of Performance-Enhancing Substances.” In Earl Smith, ed., Sociology of Sport and Social Theory (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics), pp. 41-53.

D. Spasyuk, D. Zargarian, A. van der Est. (2009). “New POCN-Type Pincer Complexes of Ni(II) and Ni(III).” Organometallics 28,  pp. 6531-6540.

A. van der Est, S. Chirico, I. Karyagina, R. Cohen, G. Shen, J. H. Golbeck. (2010). “Alteration of the Axial Met Ligand to Electron Acceptor A0 in Photosystem I: An Investigation of  Electron Transfer at Different Temperatures by Multifrequency Time Resolved and CW EPR,” Appl. Magn. Res. 37, pp. 103-121.

A. van der Est,  Yu. Pushkar, I. Karyagina, B. Fonovic, T. Dudding, J. Niklas, W. Lubitz and J.H. Golbeck. (2010). “Incorporation of 2,3-Disubstituted-1,4-naphthoquinones into the A1 Binding Site of Photosystem I Studied by EPR and ENDOR Spectroscopy,” Appl. Magn. Res. 37, pp. 65-83.

A. van der Est. (2009). “Transient EPR: Using Spin Polarization in Sequential Radical Pairs to Study Electron Transfer in Photosynthesis,” Photosynth. Res. 102, pp. 335-347.

Vasseur, L. (Ed.)(2009). Femmes et écologie. Volume 12, numéro 2. Recherches féministes, Université Laval. Including introduction “L’écologie : une science ou un enjeu de la vie quotidienne?

Vasseur, L. (2009). “The John A. Livingston reader with appreciation by Greame Gibson.” (2007). Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, pp. 388 (for Canadian Book Review Annual).

Vasseur, L. (2009). “ The three dimensions of species diversity.” The Open Conversations Biology Journal, (

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  1. […] … Mail (will not be published) (required) Website. Credits for the LISA logo shown at the …Publications for the week of Dec. 21/09 | The Brock NewsPublications for the week of Dec. 21/09. Posted by sam on Dec 22nd, 2009 and filed under … […]