Clarisa Morales: Literature Across the Pond

This week’s Student Spotlight is written by Clarisa Morales, a fourth-year English Language and Literature and Concurrent Education student. Last year, Clarisa spent a semester studying at Keele University as part of her Brock degree.

If you’re interested in overseas study opportunities, contact Brock International and talk to your academic advisor. There are a wide variety of opportunities ranging from one week to a full academic year and spanning the globe!

Clarisa Morales in front of Keele Hall, Keele University, England.

Clarisa Morales in front of Keele Hall, Keele University, England.

What better place to expand your knowledge of English literature than studying in the United Kingdom itself?

I had always entertained the idea of studying abroad as part of my post-secondary experience and Brock’s International Services helped me make the idea a reality. In my third year at Brock I decided to take a chance and leave the comfort of living and studying at home to study for one semester at Keele University in England.

It was a bold move on my part because I had never left home before but, it was the best decision I have ever made!

Being in the Concurrent Education program with a teachable in English Language and Literature, I knew that England was the place for me to broaden my literary experience and to strengthen my appreciation for the Humanities.

England is home to one of my many literary inspirations, Mr. William Shakespeare, and offered me the incredible opportunity to learn more about him. One of the highlights of my exchange was going to Stratford-upon-Avon to visit Shakespeare’s home. It was an incredible experience and provided me with a new perspective on my studies.

Clarisa Morales in front of Shakespeare's home, Stratford-upon-Avon, England.

Clarisa Morales in front of Shakespeare's home, Stratford-upon-Avon, England.

English was never really the first area of study that crossed my mind when the time came to decide where I was to start post-secondary. I didn’t know much about Brock’s English department let alone the Humanities faculty, but I guess you could say that was the beauty in me choosing Brock. The professors, teaching assistants, advisors, and everyone working for the department share an incredible passion for the arts that is nothing short of infectious.

English is my favourite area of study for so many reasons, one of them being that literature transcends and connects people in so many ways, whether you study it in Canada or in England.

I will be forever grateful to Brock’s International Services for letting me have the opportunity to study abroad. There is not another university I would recommend for the Humanities than Brock.

I hope you find travel, literary or any other type of inspiration from reading about my experiences at Brock. It is definitely worth expanding your horizons and developing your passions in ways you never knew were possible before.


About ainnes

Social Media Coordinator, Faculty of Humanities, Brock University

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