Some Goodman offices have moved – April 26

The ongoing Goodman expansion project is bringing exciting changes and needed updates to our building. The external work is coming to an end and construction crews are moving inside to renovate our offices and classrooms.

The following faculty and staff members will move offices on April 26:

Last Name First Name Move From Move To
Armstrong Michael GSB 475O GSB 431
Barfoot Jason TA  318 GSB 341
Boniferro Jana TA  360 GSB 324
Brisson Jennifer TA  241 GSB 343
Chimenti Ashley MC A330 GSB 321
Dortono (Nilsen) Kristen TA  310 MC A330
Gaudes Andrew TA  314 GSB 329
Heaney Meredith GSB 475R GSB 322
Kim Sohyung TA  252 GSB 342
Lapointe-Antunes Pascale TA  242 GSB 344
LeBlanc Susan TA  363 GSB 323
Li Jingyu (Jennifer) TA  221 GSB 348
Lonergan Dan TA  361 GSB 333
Smith Lauren MC E215 GSB 350
Miller Diane TA  317 GSB 326
PT Instructors Contact: John D’Amico TA  204 GSB 345
Perera Delan TA  362 GSB 334
Photocopy TA316 GSB 335
Sainty Barbara TA  246 GSB 346
Storage – Cabinets TA 313 GSB 328A
Thongpapanl Tek TA  434 GSB 327
UG Club Office Contact Lauren Smith TA  404 GSB 309
UG Club Office Contact Lauren Smith TA 404 GSB309A
Van Den Dries Jane TA  362 GSB 334
Vessel Marianne TA  311 GSB 325
White Raechel TA  313 GSB 328

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