
  • Amazing poster presentations at the Canadian Psychological Association in Ottawa!

  • Relationships Lab goes to Chicago

    The lab presented our research on power, victimization, and teasing at the Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting in Chicago this April! We loved spending time with and learning from our local, national, and international colleagues!

  • Hope presents her Honours Thesis!

    Alongside other undergraduate students in Child and Youth Studies, Hope presented her Honours Thesis research to an engaged crowd at the CHYS Honours Research Colloquium on Tuesday, March 26. Hope found that parenting stress related to higher externalizing behaviors in children, in a sample of at-risk families attending a community-based early intervention program.

  • Identity’s impact on young learners the focus of Horizon winner’s research

    Oya Pakkal (MA ’23) wants to understand the psychological impacts of identity on learning.

    The Brock University PhD student in Psychology says she is dedicated to enhancing the educational journey for adolescents who navigate multiple marginalized identities, both visible and invisible, by researching the complexities of how these young people experience and interact with educational environments.

    She aims to develop strategies to acknowledge and support these unique identity-based challenges within the learning process through her research and teaching.

    Read more in The Brock News


  • Social networks summer school

    In January, 2024, Dr. Andrews went to Santiago, Chile for the CHISOCNET Social Networks Summer School to learn more about social network science! Check out more info here:

  • Oya has an MA!

    A huge congratulations to Oya Pakkal, who defended her Master’s thesis in Psychology and earned her MA! We’re thrilled that Oya is continuing on to her PhD at Brock and stays with the lab!

  • Congrats Jiayi Li, MA!

    Jiayi successfully defended her Master’s Thesis on friendship homophily and peer victimization, and then presented this work at the Society for Research in Adolescence in San Diego! Great work Jiayi!

  • Faculty awards recognize research looking forward, back

    A trio of researchers in Brock’s Faculty of Social Sciences is being recognized for their work to advance their respective fields.

    Assistant Professors of Child and Youth Studies Naomi Andrews and Chelsea Jones are joint recipients of the 2021 Faculty of Social Sciences Early Career Researcher Award, while Professor Robert Dimand in the Department of Economics has been named the Faculty’s 2021 Distinguished Researcher.

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    Categories: News

  • Research offers insight into key supports for university students with learning disabilities

    Transitioning from high school to university can be a big adjustment for any student, but for those with learning disabilities, misconceptions and stigma can add to the challenges.

    Research from Child and Youth Studies PhD student Emma Peddigrew (MA ’21) recently gave voice to first-year students with learning disabilities in the Brock community. In February 2020, she conducted in-person interviews for her master’s thesis under the supervision of Professor John McNamara, focusing on emotional and social impacts of learning disabilities in the transition to first year.

    “Almost all of the participants said there were misconceptions about what their diagnosis actually meant, not only for them, but also for the people around them,” Peddigrew says. “Even close family members didn’t fully understand what a learning disability meant, so students were trying to navigate how to communicate their needs to those around them.”

    Peddigrew observed significant issues around self-esteem and mental health concerns, as well as high pressure from loved ones to succeed.

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    Categories: News

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