Pancakes take centre stage at Family Campaign Breakfast


Michelle Kerr, major gifts officer, gets some breakfast at the annual Family Campaign Breakfast for a Bold New Brock.

Nearly 100 faculty and staff gathered for pancakes and scrambled eggs this week at the annual Family Campaign Breakfast at Pond Inlet.

The March 23 event was hosted by Tom Arkell and Lorne Adams, co-chairs of the Family Campaign for the Campaign for a Bold New Brock. The overall campaign goal is to raise $75 million by 2012.

“We’re making great progess. So far, we have raised more than $45 million,” said Murray Knuttila, Provost and Vice-President, Academic.

Internal support sends a clear message to outside donors that Brock employees support their University, he said.

And by Brock raising $75 million, that will leverage federal and provincial government investments into more than $266 million worth of capital building projects.

Through the annual fund, he said, Brock hopes to:

  • enrich the learning experience of students by investing in teaching and research facilities to expand knowledge and empower our faculty as educators, researchers and innovators
  • reinforce Brock as an innovative Canadian university with strong community leadership, while having an international scope and character
  • help move Niagara from a manufacturing-based economy to a knowledge-based one
  • encourage the birth of small and medium-sized businesses through the innovative research being done at Brock

Every faculty and staff member should have received a pledge form through inter-office mail. Anyone interested in donating can drop off the form at TH265e or send it to the Office of Development and Donor Relations through inter-office mail.

Staff can choose to give via payroll contribution or the standard methods of cash, cheque or credit card. For more information on the Family Campaign, including frequently asked questions, visit

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