2021-2022 Graduate Calendar



Master of Arts in Classics

Field of Specialization

Art and Archeology

Text and Culture


Carol U. Merriam

Faculty of Humanities

Associate Dean

J. Keri Cronin

Faculty of Humanities

Core Faculty


Michael J. D. Carter (Classics), Allison M. J. Glazebrook (Classics), Carol U. Merriam (Classics)

Associate Professors

Fanny L. Dolansky (Classics), Elizabeth S. Greene (Classics), Carrie Murray (Classics), R. Angus K. Smith (Classics), Katharine T. von Stackelberg (Classics)

Assistant Professors

Roberto Nickel (Classics), Adam Rappold (Classics)

Professors Emeriti

David W. Rupp (Director, Canadian Institute in Greece)

Graduate Program Director

Roberto Nickel


Administrative Assistant

Barb Chatwin

905-688-5550, extension 3575

International Centre Building, GLN-B 309




Program Description

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The Master of Arts in Classics emphasizes a holistic approach to the Greek and Roman worlds and encourages all students to study languages, literature, history, and material culture. Students continue their study of Greek and Latin in order to ensure that they can access the wealth of literary and documentary sources that have survived and continue to surface. The program also assigns prominence to historical context and material culture, especially promoting active archaeological research and travel to the Mediterranean. The program is structured on the principle that these diverse approaches inform one another and produce a cross-disciplinary, well rounded and thus broader understanding of the world and legacy of the ancient Greeks and Romans.


Admission Requirements

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Successful completion of four year Bachelor's degree, or equivalent, in Classics with a minimum average of B and a minimum average of 75% in Classics courses. Applicants must have completed the equivalent of at least four full credits in any combination of ancient Greek and Latin courses at the university level.

The Graduate Admissions Committee will review all applications and recommend admission for a limited number of suitable candidates.

Individuals interested in part-time study should consult with the Graduate Program Director.


Degree Requirements

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There are two schemes for the MA degree: (Scheme A) Course work with major research paper (normally completed in five terms), and (Scheme B) Course work with thesis (normally completed in six terms).

Acceptance into the thesis stream requires explicit departmental agreement that the candidate is prepared to pursue advanced scholarly research, and the preparation of an acceptable thesis proposal.


Option 1: General (No Field of Specialization)

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Scheme A: Course Work and Major Research Paper

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CLAS 5P00; three half credits designated GREE or LATI 4(alpha)00, (5(alpha)00 or above; four additional half-credits designated CLAS 4(alpha)00, 5(alpha)00 or above, GREE 5(alpha)00 or above, or LATI 5(alpha)00 or above; CLAS 5P90, a satisfactory research paper, normally 40-50 pages in length, on an approved topic, written in the second year of study under the guidance of a Supervisor. Not more than 0.5 credits numbered at the 4(alpha)00 level and not more than 0.5 credits numbered CLAS 5P81-89 or 5V80-89 may be counted toward the fulfillment of the degree requirements.


Scheme B: Course Work and Thesis

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CLAS 5P00, one-half credit designated GREE 5(alpha)00 or above, one half-credit designated LATI 5(alpha)00 or above, one additional half-credit designated either GREE or LATI 5(alpha)00 or above, and three additional half-credits designated CLAS 5V10-5V79, CLAS 5P80, GREE 5(alpha)00 or above or LATI 5(alpha)00 or above, and CLAS 5F90 a satisfactory thesis on an approved topic, normally 80-100 pages in length, written in the second year of study under the guidance of a Supervisor and Supervisory Committee and an oral examination to defend the thesis.

Additional advanced undergraduate Greek or Latin courses may be recommended to address deficiencies in the languages.

In addition to the above course requirements, students must also fulfill the following language requirement:

Each student must pass a reading exam in a modern language, normally French, German, or Italian. Students may instead choose to fulfil this requirement by successfully completing one of the following courses with a grade of 75% or higher: FREN 1F90, GERM 1F90, ITAL 1F90. This requirement should be completed by the end of the first year.


Option 2: Art and Archaeology Specialization

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Scheme A: Course Work and Major Research Paper

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CLAS 5P00; two half credits designated GREE or LATI 4(alpha)00, 5(alpha)00 or above; three half credits designated CLAS 5P80, CLAS 5V10-5V29 or 5V30-5V49; two additional half credits designated CLAS 4(alpha)00, 5(alpha)00 or above, GREE 5(alpha)00 or above or LATI 5(alpha)00 or above; CLAS 5P90, a satisfactory research paper, normally 40-50 pages in length, written in the second year under the guidance of a Supervisor. Not more than 0.5 credits numbered at the 4(alpha)00 level and not more than 0.5 credits numbered CLAS 5P81-89 or 5V80-89 may be counted toward the fulfillment of the degree requirements.


Scheme B: Course Work and Thesis

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CLAS 5P00, one credit designated GREE 5(alpha)00 or LATI 5(alpha)00 or above, three half credits designated CLAS 5P80, CLAS 5V10-5V29 or 5V30-5V49, one other half credit designated CLAS 5V10-5V89, CLAS 5P80-5P89, GREE 5(alpha)00 or above or LATI 5(alpha)00 or above and CLAS 5F90, a satisfactory thesis, normally 80-100 pages in length, written in the second year of study under the guidance of a Supervisor and Supervisory Committee and an oral examination to defend the thesis. Not more than 0.5 credits numbered CLAS 5V80-89 or 5P80-89 may be counted toward the fulfillment of degree requirements.

Additional advanced undergraduate GREE or LATI courses may be recommended to address deficiencies in the languages.

In addition to the above course requirements, students must also fulfill the following language requirement:

Each student must pass a reading exam in a modern language, normally French, German, or Italian. Students may instead choose to fulfil this requirement by successfully completing one of the following courses with a grade of 75% or higher: FREN 1F00, GERM 1F90, ITAL 1F90. This requirement should be completed by the end of the first year.


Option 3: Text and Culture Specialization

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Scheme A: Course Work and Major Research Paper

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CLAS 5P00; three half credits designated GREE or LATI 4(alpha)00, 5(alpha)00 or above; two half credits designated CLAS 5P80, CLAS 5V50-5V69 or 5V70-5V79, two additional half credits designated CLAS 4(alpha)00, 5(alpha)00 or above, GREE 5(alpha)00 or above or LATI 5(alpha)00 or above; CLAS 5P90, a satisfactory research paper, normally 40-50 pages in length, written in the second year of study under the guidance of a Supervisor. Not more than 0.5 credits numbered at the 4(alpha)00 level and not more than 0.5 credits numbered CLAS 5P81-89 or 5V80-89 may be counted toward the fulfillment of the degree requirements.


Scheme B: Course Work and Thesis

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Requirements for the MA Degree with a Field in Text and Culture with thesis are: CLAS 5P00, three half credits designatedGREE 5(alpha)00 or above and/or LATI 5(alpha)00 or above, two half credits designated CLAS 5P80, CLAS 5V50-5V69or5V70-5V79, one half credit designated CLAS 5V10-5V79, CLAS 5P80, GREE 5(alpha)00 or above or LATI 5(alpha)00 or above and CLAS 5F90, a satisfactory thesis, normally 80-100 pages in length, written in the second year of study under the guidance of a Supervisor and Supervisory Committee and an oral examination to defend the thesis.

Additional advanced undergraduate GREE or LATI courses may be recommended to address deficiencies in the languages.

In addition to the above course requirements, students must also fulfill the following language requirement:

Each student must pass a reading exam in a modern language, normally French, German, or Italian. Students may instead choose to fulfil this requirement by successfully completing one of the following courses wth a grade of 75% or higher: FREN 1F90, GERM 1F90, ITAL 1F90. This requirement should be completed by the end of the first year.



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Museum of Cypriote Antiquities (170+ objects, Chalcolithic through Mediaeval, mostly Geometric-Archaic ceramics).

Slide and Digital Image Collection (15,000+ images).

On-line TLG (Thesaurus Linguae Graecae)

L'Année Philologique on-line.

Archaeological Field Equipment (funded by Canadian Foundation for Innovation and Ontario Innovation Trust): Leica TCR750 reflectorless total station; Trimble Geoexplorer XT Global Positioning System.

Institutional Memberships: American School of Classical Studies in Athens; Canadian Institute in Greece, Classical Association of the Middle, West and South.

Associated Archaeological Field Projects: Burgaz Harbors Project (Turkey); Gournia Archaeological Project (Crete); Marzamemi Maritime Heritage Project (Italy); Pantelleria Excavation Project at Lago di Venere (Italy).


Overseas Opportunities

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Faculty working on excavations overseas take students to assist them when possible. Current projects include excavation and ceramic study with Prof. Smith at the Bronze Age site of Gournia on Crete; excavation with Prof. Greene in the harbours of Burgaz, Turkey and the late antique shipwreck at Marzamemi, Sicily, as well as conservation and analysis of cargo from the Archaic shipwreck at Pabuç Burnu, Turkey; and excavation with Prof. Murray at the Punic and Roman sanctuary site in the Lago di Venere area on the island of Pantelleria, Italy. Such experiences can be given a course number (e.g. CLAS 5V82), but do not count towards requirements for the MA degree. Students may also participate in overseas projects not run by the Department of Classics, but must obtain permission from the Graduate Program Director in consultation with their supervisor.

The Department regularly offers a field school and a study tour for its undergraduates in alternating years. Recent field schools have brought students to excavations at Burgaz, Turkey; Gournia, Greece; and Marzamemi and Pantelleria, Italy. Recent study tours have also brought students to Greece, Italy, and Turkey. Qualified graduate students are given priority whenever teaching assistantships are available for undergraduate field schools and study tours.

The Department also has an internship (CLAS 5N00) at the Canadian Institute in Greece (CIG). The internship provides an opportunity for a student to live in Greece for three months while working on his or her Thesis or Major Research Paper. CIG will offer free membership, a free museum pass, discounted accommodation and free classes in modern Greek at the Athens Centre. The student will perform twenty hours of work a week for CIG and have access to all the libraries of the various archaeological schools in Greece through a CIG membership. The course does not count towards requirements for the MA degree.


Course Descriptions

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Note that not all courses are offered in every session. Refer to the applicable timetable for details

Students must check to ensure that prerequisites are met. Students may be deregistered, at the request of the instructor, from any course for which prerequisites and/or restrictions have not been met.



MA Research and Thesis

An extended research project involving the preparation and defence of a thesis that shall demonstrate capacity for independent work and original research and thought.


Internship I

Three month internship at the Canadian Institute in Athens, Greece.


Pro-seminar in Classics

A survey of the tools, resources and methodologies for a holistic study of Greco-Roman antiquity with emphasis on philology, history and material culture. Research writing for grant, abstract, conference proposal, and public presentation.

Note: this course will be evaluated as Credit/No-Credit.


Directed Reading in Classics

Directed individual or group reading in a particular area of Classics.

Note: Approval of the Graduate Program Director is required.


Advanced Archaeological Fieldwork in Greece

Fieldwork and study of archaeological material under the supervision of a faculty member.

Restriction: Permission of the instructor and the Graduate Program Director.

Note: Students are expected to pay their own expenses.


Advanced Archaeological Fieldwork in Italy

Fieldwork and study of archaeological material under the supervision of a faculty member.

Restriction: Permission of the instructor and the Graduate Program Director.

Note: Students are expected to pay their own expenses.


Advanced Fieldwork in Maritime Archaeology

Fieldwork and study of archaeological material under the supervision of a faculty member.

Restriction: Permission of the instructor and the Graduate Program Director.

Note: Students are expected to pay their own expenses.


Study in Mediterranean Lands

Topographical investigations of ancient sites and monuments; study tours of important cities and museums of the Mediterranean world emphasizing the art and architecture of the Prehistoric, Classical and later periods.

Restriction: Permission of the Graduate Program Director.

Note: Students are expected to pay their own expenses.


Major Research Paper

A major paper which shall demonstrate capacity for independent work and original research and thought.

CLAS 5V10-5V29

Seminar in Mediterranean Archaeology

Topics and problems in current archaeological method, theory and research in the Mediterranean basin.

#CLAS 5V22

The Archaeology of Death

(also offered as CLAS 4P22)

Ancient burial customs, concentrating on the cultures of the prehistoric Mediterranean, emphasizing mortuary theory.


2021-2022: Archaeology of Ancient Shipwrecks

Maritime archaeology, shipwrecks, and the role of the sea in the social, economic, military, and technological world of the ancient Mediterranean.

Prerequisite(s): one credit from CLAS 2P32, 2P34, CLAS 3P22, 3P23, 3P24, 3P25, 3V30-3V39 or permission of the Department.

CLAS 5V30-5V49

Seminar in the Art and Architecture of the Greco-Roman World

Topics and problems in current research in Greek and Roman art and architecture.

CLAS 5V50-5V69

Seminar in Greek and Roman Social and Cultural History

Study of a topic in Greek and/or Roman social and cultural history with emphasis on methodology and the use of sources from a variety of media.

*CLAS 5V53

The Greek Household

(also offered as CLAS 4V53)

Exploration of the physical remains, socio-political importance, and cultural ideas of home through archaeological, visual, and literary evidence.


Greek Religion

Greek religious thought from the Bronze Age to the Hellenistic Era in archaeological, epigraphic, and literary evidence with a focus on festivals, sacrifice, and practices on the margin of polis-religion such as magic and prophecy.

CLAS 5V70-5V79

Seminar in Greek and Latin Literature

Topics and Trends in the Study of Greek and Latin Literature

CLAS 5V80-5V89

Advanced Archaeological Research

Intensive archaeological fieldwork and study of material culture under supervision of a faculty member.

Note: Enrolment is limited. Not more than 0.5 credits numbered CLAS 5V80-89 may be counted toward the fulfillment of the degree requirements.



Directed Readings in Ancient Greek Authors

A reading course constructed in conjunction with a faculty member. This course will be designed for individual students by the faculty member and given final approval by the Graduate Program Director.

GREE 5V00-5V19

Readings in Greek Literature: Prose

Intensive readings in a genre of Greek literary prose or the works of an individual prose author.

GREE 5V20-5V39

Readings in Greek Literature: Verse

Intensive readings in a verse genre or the works of an individual verse author.

#GREE 5V24

Lyric and Iambic Poetry

(also offered as GREE 4P41)

Readings in archaic lyric and iambic poetry, including works of Archilochus, Semonides, Alcman, Stesichorus, Sappho, Alcaeus, and Simonides, and the study of critical scholarship.

#GREE 5V25

Homer and Hesiod

(also offered as GREE 4P01)

Readings in Homer and Hesiod, and an overview of scholarship.



Directed Readings in Ancient Latin Authors

A reading course constructed in conjunction with a faculty member. This course will be designed for individual students by the faculty member and given final approval by the Graduate Program Director.

LATI 5V00-5V19

Readings in Latin Literature: Prose

Intensive readings in a genre of Latin literary prose or the works of an individual prose author.

#LATI 5V03

Roman Biography

(also offered as LATI 4P05)

Study of Latin biography focusing on epigraphic texts, selections from Nepos and Suetonius, and recent scholarship.

LATI 5V20-5V39

Readings in Latin Literature: Verse

Intensive readings in a verse genre or the works of an individual verse author.

Last updated: October 29, 2021 @ 10:40AM