Students must check to ensure that prerequisites are met. Students may be deregistered, at the request of the instructor, from any course for which prerequisites and/or restrictions have not been met.
Medieval and Renaissance Civilizations
Key themes, problems and topics in Medieval and Renaissance civilizations, including: the development of concepts of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance; notions of decline, renewal, rebirth and reformation in the West; sources and methods of inquiry.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Note: includes an on-line seminar component.
#MARS 2P08
Colonial Latin America
(also offered as HIST 2P08)
Introduction to the history of Latin America from pre-hispanic times through 1810 focusing on the clashes, alliances and negotiations among indigenous peoples, conquistadores, slaves and missionaries.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
#MARS 2P70
The Middle East, 600 - 1800
(also offered as HIST 2P70)
Major themes in Middle Eastern history from the advent of Islam to 1800 AD art, culture, religions, migration, minorities, slavery and political developments.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
#MARS 2P75
Western Science from Aristotle to Newton
(also offered as HIST 2P75)
Western science from Greek natural philosophy through Arabic, Medieval and Renaissance science to the Scientific Revolution.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Note: no background in science is required.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in LART 2P75.
*MARS 2P89
Medieval Art, Architecture and Society
(also offered as VISA 2P89)
Interdisciplinary study of the inter-relation and connectedness between the arts, architecture and society in medieval Europe.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
#MARS 2P91
Europe's Reformations, 1450-1650
(also offered as HIST 2P91)
Origins, course and consequences of the division of Western Christendom into Protestant and Catholic factions in the 16th century.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
#MARS 2P92
Early to High Renaissance Art and Architecture
(also offered as ITAL 2P92 and VISA 2P92)
Major monuments, buildings and art works of the period from several critical perspectives including the humanist influence on the arts in Florence and Rome, the issue of patronage and the question of the artist's cultural status.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one of MARS 1F90, ITAL 1F90, VISA 1Q98 and 1Q99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: given in English.
Medieval Cultures and Literatures
Societies, cultures and literatures of medieval Europe focusing on the High and Late Middle Ages. Sampling of medieval texts ranging from comic and tragic, to religious and epic. Importance of music and its relation to religion, art and literature.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
*MARS 2P95
Reading the Middle Ages: the Heroic and the Chivalric
(also offered as ENGL 2P95)
Heroic and chivalric worlds of Europe and how they shaped medieval society. Selections from Beowulf, Anglo-Saxon heroic literature, Old Norse sagas, the lais of Marie de France, Courtly Love and Arthurian-related narratives.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
*MARS 2P99
Medieval and Renaissance Tales
(also offered as ITAL 2P99)
Evolution and development of Novella Collections in Europe, emphasizing the Frame Tale function. Selections from Boccaccio, Chaucer, Marguerite de Navarre, Miguel de Cervantes, Maria de Zayas.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
#MARS 3F50
Reading the Italian Medieval and Renaissance City
(also offered as HIST 3F50, ITAL 3F50 and VISA 3F50)
Exploring key monuments, churches, museums and urban sites. Concept of the city as expressed through art, literature and architecture from Medieval to Baroque times. Historical and geographical influences and factors in shaping the city, its culture and traditions. Cities include Rome, Assisi, Florence and Siena.
Prerequisite(s): one MARS, HIST, ITAL or VISA credit or permission of the Italian Studies course co-ordinator.
Note: given in English. No knowledge of Italian is needed. Begins in May on campus during the Spring session. Departure for Italy at the end of May-beginning of June for a 2-week study tour of Rome, Assisi, Florence and Siena. Students are responsible for travel, accommodation and other expenses.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ITAL (VISA) 2F99 and MARS (ITAL/VISA) 3M50.
#MARS 3M20-3M29
Study in Mediterranean Lands
(also offered as CLAS 3M20-3M29 and VISA 3M20-3M29)
Topographical investigations of ancient sites and monuments. Study tours of the great cities and museums of the Mediterranean world emphasizing the art and architecture of the Prehistoric, Classical and later periods.
Restriction: permission of the Department of Classics.
Note: offered in the Spring or Summer Session for three or four weeks of intensive study abroad. Students are expected to pay their own expenses.
#MARS 3P19
The Rise of Christian Philosophy
(also offered as PHIL 3P19)
Philosophy from the patristic period through Erigena and Anselm up to and including the 12th-century Renaissance.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one PHIL credit or permission of the instructor.
#MARS 3P30
The Viking Age
(also offered as HIST 3P30)
Follows the Vikings from their Scandinavian homelands as they raid, trade and settle throughout Europe and the North Atlantic, convert to Christianity, establish new kingdoms and eventually assimilate into medieval Christendom.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to HIST (single or combined), HIST (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors and minors until date specified in Registration guide. After that date, open to MARS, HIST (single or combined), HIST (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors and minors until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite(s): one HIST credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 2(alpha)99 and one HIST credit numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
#MARS 3P92
Petrarch and Boccaccio
(also offered as ITAL 3P92)
Literature, arts and culture of the Middle Ages, emphasizing Petrarch's Canzoniere (Song Book) and Boccaccio's Decameron, and the works and genres that they influenced.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one MARS credit, one ITAL credit or permission of the instructor.
Note: given in English. No knowledge of Italian is required.
#MARS 3P93
Dante's Inferno
(also offered as ITAL 3P93)
Dante's Divine Comedy and the world it created and reflected, focusing on the Inferno. References to relevant visual arts (illustrations and adaptations of the Divine Comedy by such artists as Doré, Rodin and the Pre-Raphaelites).
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: students must have a minimum of 5.0 overall credits or permission of the instructor.
Note: given in English. No knowledge of Italian is required.
*MARS 3P96
Medieval and Early Modern Christianity
(also offered as HIST 3P96)
Interdisciplinary study of the continuities and discontinuities in the history of the Christian Church from the onset of the Middle Ages to the eve of the Protestant reformations. Examination of ecclesiastical authority, Christianity's interactions with Judaism and Islam, changing social structures, monastic reforms, the Crusades, magic, science, religion, the papacy, and the cult of saints and devotion to relics.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
*MARS 3P97
The World of the Renaissance and Beyond
(also offered as HIST 3P97)
Interdisciplinary study of the primary texts relative to the European Renaissance and global questions that reshape the world, emphasizing the historical, cultural and intellectual legacies of the Renaissance, including literature, religion, philosophy, science, medicine and the history of exploration.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
#MARS 3Q91
Renaissance Perceptions of Indigenous Cultures
(also offered as HIST 3Q91 and SPAN 3Q91)
Perceptions and views of indigenous American peoples and civilizations in Renaissance Europe, drawing from written accounts, histories of the Indies, and visual representations of Incas, Aztecs and Mayans.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one MARS HIST, SPAN credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 2(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: given in English.
*MARS 3Q92
Moors, New Christians and Renegades
(also offered as HIST 3Q92 and SPAN 3Q92)
Contesting identity categories resulting from exchanges and interactions of Christians and Muslims in the early modern Mediterranean world, through the study of historical and fictional primary sources.
Lectures/seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one MARS, HIST or SPAN credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 2(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: given in English.
Directed Studies
Program of study designed in consultation with a faculty member.
Restriction: open to MARS majors with approval to year 4 (honours).
Note: topic for a major piece of written work or the equivalent must be submitted by the student by April 1 of year 3 and approved by Director and the appropriate instructor.
*MARS 4P01
Sources and Methods of Medieval History
(also offered as HIST 4P01)
Different types of medieval source material and the ways in which they can be utilized by historians.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to MARS, HIST (single or combined) and HIST (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with approval to year 4 (honours).
Note: students in other disciplines may register with permission of the instructor and Director. Students will be encouraged to share their research projects from MARS 4P00 in the discussions.
#MARS 4P06
Medieval Literature and Social Control
(also offered as ENGL 4P06)
Medieval English literature in relation to the management of different populations in Britain in the late Middle Ages. Topics include the English Rising of 1381, punishment systems, sexuality, literacies and class, the disciplining of bodies to conform to etiquette, the regulation of female speech, and colonization and civility.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to MARS (single or combined), ECUL, ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and WRDS (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and Chair.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in MARS (ENGL) 4V06.
#MARS 4P55
The Later Roman Empire
(also offered as CLAS 4P55)
History of the Roman Empire from the death of Marcus Aurelius to Late Antiquity.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one CLAS credit numbered 2(alpha)90 or above.
#MARS 4P70
Reading a Renaissance Woman
(also offered as ENGL 4P70)
The place of books and reading in the life and culture of Anne Clifford. Readings from personal writings and books in her library including extracts (in English) from Ovid's Metamorphoses, Cervante's Don Quixote, Castiglione's Courtier, Montaigne's Essays, Chaucer, Spenser, Jonson and Donne.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to MARS, ECUL, ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and WRDS (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and the Chair.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in MARS (ENGL) 3V92 and 4V70.
MARS 4V70-4V75
Selected Topics in Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Issues in Medieval and Renaissance Studies.