Students must check to ensure that prerequisites are met. Students may be deregistered, at the request of the instructor, from any course for which prerequisites and/or restrictions have not been met.
Kindergarten I
Exploring the theoretical foundations, the development of learners, program planning and implementation, assessment, the learning environment and ethical considerations.
100 Contact hours plus 25 hours offline with consultation.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended. Open to certified teachers.
Intermediate Education I
Critical pedagogical lens with which to explore key topics in intermediate education including theoretical foundations, learner development, program planning and implementation, instructional practices, assessment and evaluation, learning environment and ethical considerations related to teaching and learning in a holistic and integrated manner.
Lectures, seminar.
Note: open to certified Intermediate division teachers. May be available on-site, online or blended.
Intermediate Education II
Critical, pedagogical lens to explore theoretical foundations, learning theory, program planning, development and implementation, instructional design and practices, assessment and evaluation, the learning environment, research and ethical considerations related to teaching and learning across the intermediate division.
Note: open to certified Intermediate division teachers. May be available on-site, online or blended.
Intermediate Education Specialist
Holistic approach to theoretical foundations, learning theory, program planning, development, implementation, instructional design, assessment and evaluation, learning environment, research, ethical considerations and issues related to teaching and learning in the intermediate division. Candidates strengthen professional efficacy, in-depth knowledge, professional judgment for leadership and practice.
Prerequisite(s): EDUC 9F06.
Note: open to certified teachers. May be available on-site, online or blended.
Religious Education in Catholic Schools I
Development of the foundations of religious literacy, ethical studies, and communities of faith and faith development associated with teaching within Ontario Catholic Schools. Exploration of scripture through a Catholic lens combined with strategies and resources for making curriculum and teaching practice connections for the classroom. Social constructivist approach to developing positive learning environments based on personal reflection and interaction with peers and instructor.
100 hours; 25 hours offline with consultation.
Note: open to certified teachers. May be available on-site, online or blended.
Religious Education in Catholic Schools II
Professional practice and extending knowledge and skills through critical reflection and inquiry. Critical pedagogical lens to explore in a holistic and integrated manner the following: mission of Catholic schools, sacred scriptures, spiritual, sacramental and liturgical life, the Church and a post-modern world, faith in action, ethics and morality, pedagogical practices for religious education, school ministry, the faith journey related to teaching and learning across the divisions.
100 hours; 25 hours offline with consultation.
Note: open to certified teachers. May be available on-site, online or blended.
French as a Second Language I
Aims of the French program in Ontario schools, methodology; an introduction to linguistics, audiovisual devices, demonstration classes and practice teaching.
Lectures, seminar.
Restriction: registration open to certified teachers and qualified individuals until date specified in Registration guide. On and after that date, permission of Department.
Note: open to certified teachers who qualify by successfully completing an oral and written test. May be available on-site, online or blended.
Reading I
Introduction to language processes of reading and writing. Basic assessment procedures and improvement of reading skills.
Lectures, seminar.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended.
Reading II
Further study of components involved in the act of reading and techniques used in the diagnosis and remediation of reading problems.
Lectures, seminar.
Prerequisite(s): Reading I plus one year of teaching experience.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended.
Reading Specialist
Advanced instruction in theory and practice of reading instruction; design and implementation of reading programs.
Lectures, seminar.
Prerequisite(s): Reading II and proof of appropriate regulatory experience required by Ministry of Education Regulation 184/97.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended.
Librarianship I
Understanding the role of the teacher-librarian and collaborative process in developing teaching strategies for resource-based learning. Topics include utilizing and integrating basic library information technology, collection development, print and non-print resource evaluation, introduction to child and adolescent literature, systems, policies and procedures for organizing and distributing resources.
Lectures, seminar.
Note: open to certified teachers or permission of the Director. May be available on-site, online or blended.
Librarianship II
Practical applications of the role of the librarian and collaborative process. Interpreting and utilizing a variety of print and non-print media. Developing a wider knowledge of resources including print (nonfiction, reference, child and adolescent literature) and non-print (video, CD ROM, computer software, Internet resources). Further development in utilizing and integrating library information technology, collection development, systems, policies and procedures for organizing and distributing resources.
Lectures, seminar.
Prerequisite(s): Librarianship I plus one year of teaching experience.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended.
Librarianship Specialist
Advanced practical applications of the role of the teacher-librarian and collaborative process in resource-based learning. Organizing and presenting workshops in Library and Information Technologies. Awareness of current developments in library organization, design and distribution systems. Integrating current technologies in the learning process.
Lectures, seminar.
Prerequisite(s): Librarianship II and proof of appropriate regulatory experience required by Ministry of Education Regulation 184/97.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended.
Health Education and Physical Education Primary/Junior I
Activities and practices for teachers of the primary/junior grades, with attention to current theory and philosophy. Primary program and motor skills development in dance, gymnastics and games; health education and organizational procedures. Intramural activities, planned by students and faculty.
Lectures, seminar.
Note: open to certified teachers. May be available on-site, online or blended.
Health Education and Physical Education Primary/Junior II
Fitness and activity sessions for children at the junior level including movement education in dance, gymnastics and games. Intramural activities.
Lectures, seminar.
Prerequisite(s): Health Education and Physical Education Primary/Junior I plus one year of teaching experience.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended.
Health Education and Physical Education Primary/Junior Specialist
Program content and development; current problems, both personal and programmatic and development of leadership skills.
Lectures, seminar.
Prerequisite(s): Health Education and Physical Education Primary/Junior II and proof of appropriate regulatory experience required by Ministry of Education Regulation 184/97.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended.
Health Education and Physical Education Intermediate/Senior I
Activities and philosophies related to current practices at the intermediate division; program development in dance, gymnastics and game; anatomy and athletic injuries; individual games and activities suitable for these age levels. Intramural activities.
Lectures, seminar.
Note: open to certified teachers. May be available on-site, online or blended.
Health Education and Physical Education Intermediate/Senior II
Activities and philosophies related to the senior division; program development; teaching strategies in dance, gymnastics and games, appropriate health topics and organization of suitable programs for involvement of students at this level. Intramural activities
Lectures, seminar.
Prerequisite(s): Health Education and Physical Education Intermediate/Senior I plus one year of teaching experience.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended.
Health Education and Physical Education Intermediate/Senior Specialist
Advanced instruction in organization and administration of physical and health education programs at the Intermediate and Senior levels. Curriculum development, teaching strategies, evaluation techniques, leadership and supervision.
Lectures, seminar.
Prerequisite(s): Health Education and Physical Education Intermediate and Senior II and proof of appropriate regulatory experience required by Ministry of Education Regulation 184/97.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended.
Integration of Information and Computer Technology in Instruction I
Introduction to microcomputer and its educational application for classroom teachers; architectural, historical and pedagogical aspects of microcomputers; basic computer literacy; elementary program development; students select, review and field test educational computer courseware.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended. Open to certified teachers.
Integration of Information and Computer Technology in Instruction II
Further development of computer literacy skills; instruction and practice in evaluating software and designing instructional materials to enhance learning.
Prerequisite(s): Integration of Information and Computer Technology in Instruction I plus one year of teaching experience.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended.
Integration of Information and Computer Technology in Instruction Specialist
Advanced techniques in evaluation, design and implementation of computer-aided learning materials. Instruction and practice in design and delivery of computer based professional development activities.
Prerequisite(s): Integration of Information and Computer Technology in Instruction II and proof of appropriate regulatory experience required by Ministry of Education Regulation 184/97.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended. Major project involves creation and delivery of professional development materials.
Guidance and Career Education I
Counselling, consultation, instruction and program design.
Lectures, seminar.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended. Open to certified teachers.
Guidance and Career Education II
Development and design of program, career work life education and community and global perspectives while also enhancing skills and experience in all five strands.
Lectures, seminar.
Prerequisite(s): Guidance and Career Education I plus one year of teaching experience.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended.
Guidance and Career Education Specialist
Implementation of program and leadership, and change in school.
Lectures, seminar.
Prerequisite(s): Guidance and Career Education II and proof of appropriate regulatory experience required by Ministry of Education Regulation 184/97.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended.
English as a Second Language/English Language Development I
Introduction to the study of English as a Second Language /English Language Development (ESL/ELD). Role of the teacher in a multilingual, multicultural, multiracial teaching and learning environment. View of curriculum development and delivery from three perspectives: sociocultural, linguistic and academic.
Lectures, seminar.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended. Applicants must be able to communicate well in both written and spoken English.
English as a Second Language/English Language Development II
Further development of methodology-teaching techniques, modification and delivery of instruction. Assessment, evaluation focusing on best practice.
Lectures, seminar.
Prerequisite(s): English as a Second Language/English Language Development I plus one year of teaching experience.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended.
English as a Second Language/English Language Development Specialist
Design, implementation and evaluation of an effective ESL/ELD program. Development of a theoretical framework for the field of ESL/ELD and the role of advocacy and leadership surrounding ESL/ELD issues.
Lectures, seminar.
Prerequisite(s): English as a Second Language/English Language Development II and proof of appropriate regulatory experience required by Ministry of Education Regulation 184/97.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended.
Additional Basic Qualification Junior Division
Basic teaching strategies in all subject areas taught at the junior level. Current principles of child development and learning and curriculum at the junior level.
Lectures, seminar.
Prerequisite(s): an undergraduate degree and valid certification to teach in Ontario.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended. For teachers who are seeking qualification in an additional area of concentration in the junior division (Ont. 184/97, Section 30 and 31).
Additional Basic Qualification Primary Division
Basic teaching strategies in all subject areas taught at the primary level. Current principles of child development and learning and curriculum at the primary level.
Lectures, seminar.
Prerequisite(s): an undergraduate degree and valid certification to teach in Ontario.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended. For teachers who are seeking qualification in an additional area of concentration in the primary division (Ont. 184/97, Section 28 and 29).
Mathematics Primary/Junior I
Developmental and learning theories as they apply to teaching strategies for mathematics, including learning processes, organization, motivation and concept development. Examination of mathematics application across the curriculum and in practical application beyond the classroom.
Lectures, seminar.
Note: open to certified teachers. Offered as a blended format.
Mathematics Primary/Junior II
Exploration and application of learning and developmental theories as they apply to teaching and learning mathematics in the elementary grades, including learning processes, organization and lesson planning, impact of culture, gender and motivation on math concept development and understanding. Examines doing math across the curriculum and in practical application beyond the classroom.
Lectures, seminar.
Prerequisite(s): Mathematics Primary/Junior I plus one year of teaching experience.
Note: open to certified teachers. Offered as a blended format.
Mathematics Primary/Junior III
Additional strategies for reviewing, developing and implementing changes in mathematics at the Primary/Junior level. Topics may include assessment strategies for student achievement, diagnostic techniques and programming for students with special needs and abilities.
Lectures, seminar.
Prerequisite(s): EDUC 9F85.
Note: open to certified Primary/Junior teachers. May be available on-site, online or blended.
Mathematics Grade 7/8
Developmental and learning theories as they apply to teaching strategies for mathematics at the grade 7 and 8 levels including but not limited to learning processes, organization, motivation and concept development. Practical application beyond the classroom.
Lectures, seminar, online component.
Note: open to certified teachers.
Special Education I
Understanding the Education Act, Ministry curriculum expectations, regulations, policy and the Standards of Practice that support Special Education. Identification of students with exceptionalities; characteristics and definitions of: Behaviour; Communication (Autism, Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Language, Speech Impairments); Intellectual (Giftedness, Mild Intellectual Disability, Developmental Disability); Physical; Multiple. Knowing how to write, develop and amend an IEP, importance of information technology.
Lectures, seminar.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended.
Special Education II
Continuing to address categories, definitions and identification of exceptionalities. Knowledge of the qualities and characteristics of ability and disability, formal, informal data, information gathering, tools, tests and assessment strategies to interpret, inform and develop the IEP collaboratively. Examination of board special education programs, plans and services. Learning from and working with students, parents and community partners. Application of information technology.
Lectures, seminar.
Prerequisite(s): Special Education Part I plus one year of teaching experience.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended.
Special Education Specialist III
Advanced focus on the categories, definitions and identification of exceptionalities. Analyzing current Ontario legislation, regulations and policies concerning issues related to exceptional students. Leadership in assessing modifying, designing, implementing and communicating programs and services based on current special education research and exemplary practice. Developing effective collaborative approaches and mediation skills with school, parent/guardian and community. Promoting information technology.
Lectures, seminar.
Prerequisite(s): Special Education Part II and proof of appropriate regulatory experience required by Ministry of Education Regulation 184/97.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended.
Communications Technology: Grades 9 and 10
Overview of communication industry; technical knowledge and skills required to teach such subjects as television and video production, art, broadcasting, photography, print and graphic production and computer communication.
Lectures, seminar.
Prerequisite(s): an Ontario Certificate of Qualification or Interim Certificate of Qualification indicating initial qualifications at the Intermediate and Senior divisions in Technological Education. Technological Education applicants whose Ontario Certificate of Qualification or Interim Certificate of Qualification does not indicate Intermediate and Senior divisions in Technological Education must provide evidence of at least five years of wage-earning experience related to the subject for which qualification is sought. In some instances pertinent education may substitute for some wage-earning experience.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended. Open to certified and trade qualified teachers.
Technological Design: Grades 9 and 10
Variety of design processes applicable in solving any technological challenge or problem. Builds on and forms a continuum with grades 1 to 8 science and technology and integrated technologies program.
Lectures, seminar.
Prerequisite(s): an Ontario Certificate of Qualification or Interim Certificate of Qualification indicating initial qualifications at the Intermediate and Senior divisions in Technological Education. Technological Education applicants whose Ontario Certificate of Qualification or Interim Certificate of Qualification does not indicate Intermediate and Senior divisions in Technological Education, must provide evidence of at least five years of wage-earning experience related to the subject for which qualification is sought. In some instances pertinent education may substitute for some wage-earning experience.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended. Open to certified and trade qualified teachers.
Construction Technology: Grades 9 and 10
Overview of construction industry; technical knowledge and skills and teaching strategies for construction services, architectural design and drafting, electricity, environmental control, plumbing, sheet metal, trowel trades and woodworking.
Lectures, seminar.
Prerequisite(s): an Ontario Certificate of Qualification or Interim Certificate of Qualification indicating initial qualifications at the Intermediate and Senior divisions in Technological Education. Technological Education applicants whose Ontario Certificate of Qualification or Interim Certificate of Qualification does not indicate Intermediate and Senior divisions in Technological Education, must provide evidence of at least five years of wage-earning experience related to the subject for which qualification is sought. In some instances pertinent education may substitute for some wage-earning experience.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended. Open to certified and trade qualified teachers.
Manufacturing Technology: Grades 9 and 10
Overview of manufacturing process. Strategies for teaching specific subject areas such as control systems, engineering drafting and design, foundry and moulding practice, industrial electronics, metal fabrication and precision machining.
Lectures, seminar.
Prerequisite(s): an Ontario Certificate of Qualification or Interim Certificate of Qualification indicating initial qualifications at the Intermediate and Senior divisions in Technological Education. Technological Education applicants whose Ontario Certificate of Qualification or Interim Certificate of Qualification does not indicate Intermediate and Senior divisions in Technological Education, must provide evidence of at least five years of wage-earning experience related to the subject for which qualification is sought. In some instances pertinent education may substitute for some wage-earning experience.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended. Open to certified and trade qualified teachers.
Hospitality Services: Grades 9 and 10
Teaching strategies and skills required for planning, operation and development of services in the study of tourism and guiding, travel, accommodation, food preparation and serving, plus other hospitality issues.
Lectures, seminar.
Prerequisite(s): an Ontario Certificate of Qualification or Interim Certificate of Qualification indicating initial qualifications at the Intermediate and Senior divisions in Technological Education. Technological Education applicants whose Ontario Certificate of Qualification or Interim Certificate of Qualification does not indicate Intermediate and Senior divisions in Technological Education, must provide evidence of at least five years of wage-earning experience related to the subject for which qualification is sought. In some instances pertinent education may substitute for some wage-earning experience.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended. Open to certified and trade qualified teachers.
Honours Specialist: Technological Education
Designed to prepare teachers of technological education for specialist and supervisory roles in the secondary school. Administration, organization, human relations, measurement, computer awareness and communication skills.
Lectures, seminar.
Restriction: permission of the Director
Prerequisite(s): an Ontario Certificate of Qualification or Interim Certificate of Qualification indicating qualification in at least three subjects listed in Schedule B of the Ontario College of Teachers Act Reg. 184.97 including at least one at the advanced level or, four subjects listed in Schedule B at the basic level and an entry indicating Specialist qualification in one subject in Schedule D listed in sub-clause 34cIII; a Secondary School Honours Graduation Diploma or has successfully completed the equivalent of one year's full-time study in a program in respect of which a SSHD or its equivalent is required for admission and evidence of at least two years of successful teaching experience, including at least one year in Technological Education.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended. Open to certified and trade qualified teachers.
EDUC 9M00-9M09
Additional Basic Qualification Intermediate Division
Current principles of student development and learning, curriculum development and implementation, and teaching strategies.
Lectures, seminar, practicum.
Prerequisite(s): an acceptable undergraduate degree that includes two credits in the teachable subject area and a valid Certificate of Qualification endorsed with Primary, Junior, Intermediate or Senior Divisions.
Note: these courses may be available on-site, online or blended. Intermediate Dramatic Arts students do not require the prerequisite. Intermediate Health and Physical Education students require two credits or permission of the instructor based on previous Health and Physical Education experience.
Intermediate Basic English
Current principles of student development and learning, curriculum development and implementation, and teaching strategies.
Lectures, seminar, practicum.
Restriction: permission of the Director.
Prerequisite(s): an acceptable undergraduate degree that includes two credits in the teachable subject area and a valid Certificate of Qualification endorsed with Primary, Junior, Intermediate or Senior Divisions.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended.
Intermediate Basic Mathematics
Current principles of student development and learning, curriculum development and implementation, and teaching strategies.
Lectures, seminar, practicum.
Restriction: permission of the Director.
Prerequisite(s): an acceptable undergraduate degree that includes two credits in the teachable subject area and a valid Certificate of Qualification endorsed with Primary, Junior, Intermediate or Senior Divisions.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended.
Intermediate Basic Science - General
Current principles of student development and learning, curriculum development and implementation, and teaching strategies.
Lectures, seminar, practicum.
Restriction: permission of the Director.
Prerequisite(s): an acceptable undergraduate degree that includes two credits in the teachable subject area and a valid Certificate of Qualification endorsed with Primary, Junior, Intermediate or Senior Divisions.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended.
Intermediate Basic History
Current principles of student development and learning, curriculum development and implementation, and teaching strategies.
Lectures, seminar, practicum.
Restriction: permission of the Director.
Prerequisite(s): an acceptable undergraduate degree that includes two credits in the teachable subject area with at least 0.5 credits recommended in Canadian History and a valid Certificate of Qualification endorsed with Primary, Junior, Intermediate or Senior Divisions.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended.
Intermediate Basic Geography
Current principles of student development and learning, curriculum development and implementation, and teaching strategies.
Lectures, seminar, practicum.
Restriction: permission of the Director.
Prerequisite(s): an acceptable undergraduate degree that includes two credits in the teachable subject area with at least 0.5 credits recommended in Canadian Geography and a valid Certificate of Qualification endorsed with Primary, Junior, Intermediate or Senior Divisions.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended.
Intermediate Basic Health and Physical Education
Current principles of student development and learning, curriculum development and implementation, and teaching strategies.
Lectures, seminar, practicum.
Restriction: permission of the Director.
Prerequisite(s): an acceptable undergraduate degree that includes two credits in the teachable subject area or permission of the director based on previous Health and Physical Education experience and a valid Certificate of Qualification endorsed with Primary, Junior, Intermediate or Senior Divisions.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended.
EDUC 9M20-9M29
Additional Basic Qualification Senior Division (First or Second Teachable)
Current principles of student development and learning, curriculum development and implementation, and teaching strategies.
Lectures, seminar, practicum.
Prerequisite(s): an acceptable undergraduate degree with a major of at least five credits in the teachable subject area for a first teachable at the Senior Level or an acceptable undergraduate degree with a major of at least three credits in the teachable subject area as a second teachable at the Senior level (senior basic already showing on COQ); valid certification endorsed at the primary, junior or intermediate level.
Note: these courses may be available on-site, online or blended. Candidates may be asked to successfully complete three weeks of practice teaching as assigned by the Faculty of Education during a scheduled block in winter term or spring session.
Senior Basic English
Current principles of student development and learning, curriculum development and implementation, and teaching strategies.
Lectures, seminar, practicum.
Restriction: permission of the Director.
Prerequisite(s): an acceptable undergraduate degree with a major of at least five credits in the teachable subject area for a first teachable at the Senior Level or an acceptable undergraduate degree with a major of at least three credits in the teachable subject area as a second teachable at the Senior level (senior basic already showing on COQ); valid certification endorsed at the primary, junior or intermediate level.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended. Candidates may be asked to successfully complete three weeks of practice teaching as assigned by the Faculty of Education during a scheduled block in winter term or spring session.
Senior Basic Mathematics
Current principles of student development and learning, curriculum development and implementation, and teaching strategies.
Lectures, seminar, practicum.
Restriction: permission of the Director.
Prerequisite(s): an acceptable undergraduate degree with a major of at least five credits in the teachable subject area for a first teachable at the Senior Level or an acceptable undergraduate degree with a major of at least three credits in the teachable subject area as a second teachable at the Senior level (senior basic already showing on COQ); valid certification endorsed at the primary, junior or intermediate level.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended. Candidates may be asked to successfully complete three weeks of practice teaching as assigned by the Faculty of Education during a scheduled block in winter term or spring session.
Senior Basic History
Current principles of student development and learning, curriculum development and implementation, and teaching strategies.
Lectures, seminar, practicum.
Restriction: permission of the Director.
Prerequisite(s): an acceptable undergraduate degree with a major of at least five credits in the teachable subject area with at least 0.5 credits recommended in Canadian History for a first teachable at the Senior Level or an acceptable undergraduate degree with a major of at least three credits in the teachable subject area with at least 0.5 credits recommended in Canadian History as a second teachable at the Senior level (senior basic already showing on COQ); valid certification endorsed at the primary, junior or intermediate level.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended. Candidates may be asked to successfully complete three weeks of practice teaching as assigned by the Faculty of Education during a scheduled block in winter term or spring session.
Senior Basic Geography
Current principles of student development and learning, curriculum development and implementation, and teaching strategies.
Lectures, seminar, practicum.
Restriction: permission of the Director.
Prerequisite(s): an acceptable undergraduate degree with a major of at least five credits in the teachable subject area with at least 0.5 credits recommended in Canadian Geography for a first teachable at the Senior Level or an acceptable undergraduate degree with a major of at least three credits in the teachable subject area with at least 0.5 credits recommended in Canadian Geography as a second teachable at the Senior level (senior basic already showing on COQ); valid certification endorsed at the primary, junior or intermediate level.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended. Candidates may be asked to successfully complete three weeks of practice teaching as assigned by the Faculty of Education during a scheduled block in winter term or spring session.
Senior Basic Social Science - General
Current principles of student development and learning, curriculum development and implementation, and teaching strategies.
Lectures, seminar, practicum.
Restriction: permission of the Director.
Prerequisite(s): an acceptable undergraduate degree with a major of at least five credits in the teachable subject area for a first teachable at the Senior Level or an acceptable undergraduate degree with a major of at least three credits in the teachable subject area as a second teachable at the Senior level (senior basic already showing on COQ); valid certification endorsed at the primary, junior or intermediate level.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended. Candidates may be asked to successfully complete three weeks of practice teaching as assigned by the Faculty of Education during a scheduled block in winter term or spring session.
Senior Basic Health and Physical Education
Current principles of student development and learning, curriculum development and implementation, and teaching strategies.
Lectures, seminar, practicum.
Restriction: permission of the Director.
Prerequisite(s): an acceptable undergraduate degree with a major of at least five credits in the teachable subject area for a first teachable at the Senior Level or an acceptable undergraduate degree with a major of at least three credits in the teachable subject area as a second teachable at the Senior level (senior basic already showing on COQ); valid certification endorsed at the primary, junior or intermediate level.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended. Candidates may be asked to successfully complete three weeks of practice teaching as assigned by the Faculty of Education during a scheduled block in winter term or spring session.
EDUC 9M50-9M59
Honours Specialist
Advanced knowledge of curriculum guidelines from K to 12 and increased ability to develop remedial, regular and advanced programs and to evaluate student achievement. Increased knowledge of child and adolescent development related to the subject will also be included.
Lectures, seminar.
Restriction: permission of the Director.
Prerequisite(s): an Ontario Certificate of Qualification or Interim Certificate of Qualification, an acceptable honours degree with at least a second class or equivalent standing in nine credits in the subject or subject areas and at least two years of successful teaching with at least one year in the subject area of qualification being sought.
Note: these courses may be available on-site, online or blended.
Honour Specialist English
Advanced knowledge of curriculum guidelines from K to 12 and increased ability to develop remedial, regular and advanced programs and to evaluate student achievement. Increased knowledge of child and adolescent development related to English.
Lectures, seminar.
Restriction: permission of the Director.
Prerequisite(s): an Ontario Certificate of Qualification or Interim Certificate of Qualification, an acceptable honours degree with at least a second class or equivalent standing in nine credits in the subject or subject areas and at least two years of successful teaching with at least one year in the subject area of qualification being sought.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended.
Honour Specialist Mathematics
Advanced knowledge of curriculum guidelines from K to 12 and increased ability to develop remedial, regular and advanced programs and to evaluate student achievement. Increased knowledge of child and adolescent development related to mathematics.
Lectures, seminar.
Restriction: permission of the Director.
Prerequisite(s): an Ontario Certificate of Qualification or Interim Certificate of Qualification, an acceptable honours degree with at least a second class or equivalent standing in nine credits in the subject or subject areas and at least two years of successful teaching with at least one year in the subject area of qualification being sought.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended.
Honour Specialist History
Advanced knowledge of curriculum guidelines from K to 12 and increased ability to develop remedial, regular and advanced programs and to evaluate student achievement. Increased knowledge of child and adolescent development related to history.
Lectures, seminar.
Restriction: permission of the Director.
Prerequisite(s): an Ontario Certificate of Qualification or Interim Certificate of Qualification, an acceptable honours degree with at least a second class or equivalent standing in nine credits in the subject or subject areas and at least two years of successful teaching with at least one year in the subject area of qualification being sought.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended.
Honour Specialist Geography
Advanced knowledge of curriculum guidelines from K to 12 and increased ability to develop remedial, regular and advanced programs and to evaluate student achievement. Increased knowledge of child and adolescent development related to geography.
Lectures, seminar.
Restriction: permission of the Director.
Prerequisite(s): an Ontario Certificate of Qualification or Interim Certificate of Qualification, an acceptable honours degree with at least a second class or equivalent standing in nine credits in the subject or subject areas and at least two years of successful teaching with at least one year in the subject area of qualification being sought.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended.
Honour Specialist Health and Physical Education
Advanced knowledge of curriculum guidelines from K to 12 and increased ability to develop remedial, regular and advanced programs and to evaluate student achievement. Increased knowledge of child and adolescent development related to physical education.
Lectures, seminar.
Restriction: permission of the Director.
Prerequisite(s): an Ontario Certificate of Qualification or Interim Certificate of Qualification, an acceptable honours degree with at least a second class or equivalent standing in nine credits in the subject or subject areas and at least two years of successful teaching with at least one year in the subject area of qualification being sought.
Note: may be available on-site, online or blended.