2001-2002 Undergraduate Calendar

Faculty Distinction


Alumni Association Teaching Award Recipients:

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1980 William A. Matheson, Politics

1981 A. Victoria Soady, Classics

1982 Wayne T. Jolly, Geological Sciences

1983 Donald J. Ursino, Biological Sciences

1984 Angus A. Somerville,

English Language and Literature

1985 Martha Husain, Philosophy

1986 Norah Carlsen, Psychology

1987 Alan G. Arthur, History

1988 John G. Benjafield, Psychology

1989 Clarke W. Thomson, Geography

1990 Eric R. Muller, Mathematics

1991 Mary Frances Richardson, Chemistry

1992 Joan M. Preston, Psychology

1993 Lorne J. Adams, Physical Education

1994 Joan Nicks, Film Studies, Dramatic

and Visual Arts

1995 David DiBattista, Psychology

1996 Marilyn Rose, English Language

and Literature

1998 Leslie Boldt-Irons, French, Italian and


1999 Roberta Robb, Economics


Brock Award for Distinguished Research or Creativity

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1994 R. Peter Rand, Biological Sciences

1995 Herbert L. Holland, Chemistry

1996 W. D. Kenneth Kernaghan, Politics

1997 Sidney J. Segalowitz, Psychology

1998 Howard E. Bell, Mathematics

1999 Barry Grant, Communications, Popular

Culture and Film

2000 Robert Ogilvie, Psychology


Brock Award for Distinguished Teaching

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1998 John A. Lye, English Language and


1999 Barry W. K. Joe, Ctr. for Teaching, Learning & Educational Technologies/Germanic & Slavic Studies/ Communications, Pop Culture & Film

2000 Anna Lathrop, Physical Education


OCUFA Award Recipients

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1986 Donald J. Ursino, Biological Sciences

1991 Mary Frances Richardson, Chemistry

1992 Patricia Cranton, Education

1994 Lorne J. Adams, Physical Education

1995 Ann D. Duffy, Sociology

1995 Eric R. Muller, Mathematics

1998 Leslie Boldt-Irons, French, Italian and



3M Teaching Award Recipients

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1989 Clarke W. Thomson, Geography

1991 Donald J. Ursino, Biological Sciences

2000 Barry W. K. Joe, Ctr. for Teaching, Learn- ing & Educational Technologies/Germanic & Slavic Studies/Communications, Pop Culture & Film


CASE Canadian Professor of the Year

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1992 Mary Frances Richardson, Chemistry


Lieutenant Governor's Award for Teaching Excellence

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1993 Patricia Cranton, Education

Members of the Royal Society

1994 R. Peter Rand, Biological Sciences

1998 W. D. Kenneth Kernaghan, Politics


Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques

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1992 Alexandre L. A. Amprimoz, French, Italian and Spanish

1993 Leonard A. Rosmarin, French, Italian and Spanish

1995 Sandra L. Beckett, French, Italian and Spanish

Last updated: June 20, 2001 @ 09:38AM