Previous searches

Please note that positions listed below have been filled, this page is provided for archival purposes only.

Provost and Vice-President, Academic Search

Advisory Committee

Seven Full-Time Faculty Members

  • Antonia Mantonakis, Goodman School of Business
  • Kelly Lockwood, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
  • Tim Conley, Faculty of Humanities
  • Michelle Webber, Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Catherine Hands, Faculty of Education
  • Georgii Nikonov, Faculty of Mathematics & Science
  • Rosemary Condillac, Faculty of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs

One Permanent Staff Member

  • Jennifer Skelding, Executive Director, SLS

Two Lay Members of the Board of Trustees

  • Kevin Magee
  • Rob Welch 

Professional Librarian

  • Alicia Zorzetto

One Senior Administration Officer

  • Suzanne Curtin, Vice-Provost and Dean,  Faculty of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs

One Undergraduate student Senator or student Board member

  • Carleigh Charlton, Undergraduate Student Senator (representing BUSU)

One Graduate Student

  • Daniel Krowchuk (representing the GSA)

The President (Chair)

  • Lesley Rigg, President and Vice-Chancellor

Non-voting officio resources to the committee

  • Kate Dudley, Acting Executive Director, Strategic Initiatives, Office of the President.

Vice-President, Advancement Search

Advisory Committee

Two Full-Time Faculty Members

  • Shawna Chen, Goodman School of Business
  • Madelyn Law, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences

One Permanent Staff Member

  • Kate Dudley, Associate Director, Marketing and Business Development, Ancillary Services

Three Lay Members of the Board of Trustees

  • Mark Arthur
  • Nyarayi Kapisavanhu
  • Kevin Magee

One Senior Administration Officer

  • Geraldine Jones, University Registrar and Vice-President, Enrolment Services

An Academic Dean

  • Barry Wright, Dean, Goodman School of Business

One Undergraduate student Senator or student Board member

  • Daniel Krowchuk, Undergraduate Student Senator (representing BUSU)

One Graduate Student

  • Rakha Zabin (representing the GSA)

The President (Chair)

  • Lesley Rigg, President and Vice-Chancellor

Non-voting officio resources to the committee

  • Jennifer Guarasci, Interim Vice-President, Administration
  • Michelle Maiolo, Executive Assistant, People & Culture

Vice-President, Administration

Committee members

Committee Chair

  • Gervan Fearon, President and Vice-Chancellor

Three Lay Members of the Board of Trustees

  • Mark Arthur
  • John Fisher
  • Marylee O’Neill

Two Full-Time Faculty Members

  • Jens Coorssen, Professor, Health Sciences
    Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
  • Larry Savage, Professor, Labour Studies
    Faculty of Social Sciences

An Academic Dean

  • Peter Tiidus, Dean
    Faculty of Applied Health Sciences

One Undergraduate Student Senator or Student Trustee (representing BUSU)

  • Ben Johnson, Undergraduate Student Senator

One Graduate Student (representing the GSA)

  • Christopher Yendt, GSA President

One SAC Member

  • Geraldine Jones, University Registrar & Associate Vice-President Enrolment Service

One Staff Member

  • Malcolm Dales, Director, Dining Services, Ancillary Services

Non-voting officio resource to the committee

  • Gord Arbeau, Associate Vice-President, Advancement & External Relations
  • Jennifer Guarasci, Associate Vice-President, Human Resources
  • Leela MadhavaRau, Director, Human Rights and Equity

Provost and Vice-President, Academic

Brock University conducted an extensive search for a Provost and Vice-President, Academic to take office in the summer of 2020.


Dr. Lynn Wells

Committee members

Two Board of Trustees

  • Mario De Divitiis
  • Robin Williams

Full Time Faculty Representatives from each of the faculties:

Faculty of Applied Health Sciences

  • Kelly Lockwood, Associate Professor, Kinesiology

Goodman School of Business

  • Danny Cho, Professor, Finance, Operations & Information Systems

Faculty of Education

  • Fiona Blaikie, Professor, Department of Educational Studies

Faculty of Graduate Studies

  • Jeffrey Atkinson

Faculty of Humanities

  • Natalee Caple, Associate Professor, English Language & Literature

Faculty of Mathematics and Science

  • Georgii Nikonov, Professor and Chair, Department of Chemistry

Faculty of Social Sciences

  • Larry Savage, Professor, Labour Studies

One Professional Librarian

  • Laurie Morrison, Head, Liaison Services

One Undergraduate Student Senator or Student Trustee (representing BUSU)

  • Bilal Khan, President, Brock University Students’ Union

One Graduate Student (representing the GSA)

  • Christopher Yendt, GSA President

One SAC Member

  • Michael Owen, Dean, Faculty of Education

One Staff Member

  • Leela MadhavaRau, Director, Human Rights and Equity

Committee Chair

  • Gervan Fearon, President and Vice-Chancellor

Non-voting officio resource to the committee

  • Nicholas Dion, Chief of Staff, Office of the President
  • Jennifer Guarasci, Associate Vice-President, Human Resources
  • Janice Peacock, Sr. Executive Assistant, Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic
  • Geraldine Jones, Registrar