In this case I will be using simulation to explore a situation rather than trying to
answer a particular question. I will be simulating the gender of the driver in an
OPP random check of 100 vehicles (not including large truck etc. which require
special driver's license) on the 401 for a given day of the year. I aim to explore
how the composition of these samples can vary when the procedure is repeated.
I will look at the proportion of male drivers in each sample and the mean and
standard deviation of the data accumulated when the experiment is repeated.

As an estimate of the probability of the driver of the car being male or female
I used the data provided by the Ontario Ministry of Transport in its 2000
Ontario Road Safety Annual Report, Table 2.16 which provides Sex of Driver
Population by Age Groups 2000. As part of the simulation I will assume that
only Ontario drivers will be stopped.

From Table 2.16 of the report 2000 Ontario Road Safety Annual Report I find
that there are 4,313,694 male drivers out of a total of 8,121,374 licensed
Ontario drivers. Thus the probability that a random licensed Ontario driver
is male is 0.531 (to three decimal places).
Since this is a two outcome experiment and if I assume that drivers are
statistically independent the experiment suggests a Binomial Probability model.
So, with a sample of 100 vehicles, the mean number of males driving the cars
is given by
        µ = np or µ = 53.1 males, with a standard deviation of

However this does not provide me with an indication of what could be the result in each sample. To get this view I tried a simulation and to do this I followed the Instructions given in a Fathom Workshop Guide (reference)

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Procedures for the simulation of 100 Ontario drivers.

1. I started with a new, empty Fathom document  
2. From the shelf I dragged a slider into the document
3. By double clicking on the name V1 I changed it to probmale
4. I changed the slider so that my scale would be approx 0 to 1  
5. I set the slider to the probability of randomly selecting a male drive, namely 0.531  
6. I dragged a new collection from the shelf
7. I double clicked on the collection1 and renamed it Sample of drivers  
8. With the collection selected I chose New Cases from the Data Menu  
9. I typed in 100 for one hundred drivers in the dialogue box and clicked the OK  
10. I double clicked on the collection which brought up its inspector
11. In <new> I typed driver and pressed Enter  
12. I double clicked in the formula cell  
13. I typed in the following
if(random()<probmale) and in the curly bracket "male" in the top line and "female" in the bottom line
14. I closed the formula editor by clicking the OK button  
15. I dragged a graph from the shelf into the document  
16. Dragged the driver attribute from the inspector onto the x axis.This gave me all that I needed for the simulation.
17. To get a new set of data from the simulation I chose Rerandomize from the Analyze menu, and I explored the changes that occurred each time I rerandomized.  
18. I looked at the effect of changing the probability on the slider and then reset the probability at 0.531  

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For further analysis I decided to accumulate the data information of each 100 simulation and to see how these data appeared graphically, what was their mean and standard deviation. To do this I followed the instructions of the Fathom tutorial.

19. I opened the inspector window and clicked the Measures tab  
20. In <new> I typed proportionOfMale for the measure's name  
21. I double clicked in the formula cell  

22. I entered the formula proportion(drivers="male")

23. To ensure that it was working I rerandomized a number of times and observed the change in the proportionOfMale  
24. I closed the Sample of Drivers inspector  
25. With the collection selected, I choose Collect Measures from the Analyze menu  

26. I double clicked the measures collection to open its inspector

27. Clicked on the Collect Measures tab
28. Changed the number of measures from 5 to 200  
29. Finally clicked Collect More Measures (this takes quite a while if the animation is on)  
30. To look at the results I brought a new graph onto the page  
31. I doubleclicked on the sample of drivers collection to open its inspector  
32. Dragged the proportionOfMale from the inspector to the x-axis of the graph  
33. Changed the graph from a dot plot to a histogram
34. To get the mean and standard deviation, I choose a Summary Table from the Insert menu  
35. Dragged the proportionOfMale from the inspector to the top row of this table  
36. Noted the mean and obtained the Standard Deviation by doubleclicking on S1=mean() and changing it to stdDev().

Finzer, W. and Erickson, T., p. 25-27, "Tutorial 4: Simlation - Polling Voters",
Workshop Guide for Fathom Dynamic Statistics(TM) Software Version 1.1, 2000.

The results of the simulation follow:

I introduced a slider for the probability of stopping a male driver and set it to as
close to 0.531 as I could

Through the simulation I generated a table of the sample data

from which I generated a Bar Chart of the gender distribution for 100 drivers.
A typical distribution was

I then repeated the simulation 200 times, in each case, noting the mean proportion of male drivers in each sample. These 200 data were then plotted in a bar chart

and the mean and standard deviation of this distribution was calculated

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Through the simulation I saw that the sample composition of male and female
drivers could change quite a bit from sample to sample, not only in terms of totals
but also in the order in which they appeared. When this process was repeated a
large number of times, the mean proportion of all the samples was close to the
one on which I based my simulation, and although this number changed slightly
as the number of repetitions was increased, it stayed consistently close to 0.531,
which I noticed it is µ/n (where µ is the mean of the Binomial distribution). The
behaviour of the standard deviation was a bit more erratic than that of the mean
but it did move around the value of 0.05. I explored to see whether this was
related to any of the values that I used in the simulation. I found that it is close to
the sqrt(.431x.469) and is therefore also close to ó/sqrt(n) (where ó is the
standard deviation of the Binomial distribution).