Assistance from Statistics Canada
Joel Yan of Statistics Canada has set up an email account
where teachers can request help from
Statistics Canada in finding appropriate
Statistics Canada data for use in math projects for the MDM4U course.
Students can request help from Statistics
Canada in finding appropriate Statistics Canada data for use in
projects by emailing
Another Online resource
When you go through this site you will notice that the students used
extensively. Ontario has licensed Fathom (Dynamic Statistics Software)
all publicly-funded schools. You and your students will find that
Fathom, like
Geometer's SketchPad, is a pedagogical tool designed for concept
development in Data Management and Statistics. Fathom allows for
in ways that are not possible in other Statistical packages. Some of
you will
have been fortunate to attend one of the Fathom workshops organized
the Fields Institute by Tom Steinke, Stewart Craven and Gord Cooke. An
outcome of these workshops was an online resource housed at