CFI President gets taste of CCOVI research

Roseann O’Reilly Runte, President and CEO of the Canada Foundation for Innovation, toured Brock's Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute (CCOVI) Monday, July 29 to learn more about its research and programs, including Fizz Club, VineAlert, virus testing and the soon-to-be-opened augmented reality/virtual reality consumer lab. The visit, which also included local winemakers and grape growers, began in the CCOVI wine cellar. From left are Debbie Inglis, Director, CCOVI; Allan Schmidt, President Vineland Estates; Pierre Norman, Vice-President, External Relations and Communications, Canada Foundation for Innovation; O’Reilly Runte; Jamie Slingerland, Director of Viticulture, Pillitteri Estates Winery; and Michelle McGinn, Brock’s Interim Associate Vice-President Research.