Youth retreat sets future research direction

After working together virtually for more than two years, a pan-Canadian group of youth gathered at Brock University from Tuesday, Aug. 1 to Thursday, Aug. 3 for the first in-person COMPASS Youth Retreat. The group celebrated their success over the past two years but also established plans to continue to improve the integration of youth voices throughout all aspects of the large ongoing longitudinal study, which they explain not only supports their right to be involved but ultimately leads to more impactful research. Youth engagement initiatives in the Compass study include the Compass Knowledge Mobilization Leaders and Compass Youth Ambassadors. The retreat was coordinated by Brock Health Sciences Associate Professor and Compass study Co-Principal Investigator Karen Patte, Brock Knowledge Mobilization Officer Jayne Morrish, McMaster University Assistant Professor and former Compass Post-doctoral Fellow Emily Belita, Brock graduate student Jessica Goddard, and Brock Research Assistant and Compass youth committee member Salony Sharma.