GALLERY: Skyline Celebration dazzles under the stars

Badger pride reached new heights on Saturday, Sep. 21 as Brock University kicked off a year of 60th anniversary festivities with the Skyline Celebration.

More than 250 guests — including distinguished alumni, community members and government representatives such as the Honourable Nolan Quinn, Ontario’s Minister of Colleges and Universities — gathered under the stars for an unforgettable evening celebrating Brock’s accomplishments over the past six decades and reflecting on its bright future.

A highlight of the evening was the Pop-up Archives, a visual display capturing the evolution of Brock from its early days as a small regional university to its current role as a hub for research and innovation that benefits local and global communities.

Guests also enjoyed live entertainment while savouring culinary delights from local food vendors and wines crafted by proud Brock alumni from various local wineries.

The event was the first of its kind held on the Podium, the outdoor rooftop area surrounding Arthur Schmon Tower, offering unparalleled views of the region Brock has proudly called home since its founding in 1964.

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