Thesis defences — June 3 to June 7

The following is a list of thesis defences taking place between Monday, June 3 and Friday, June 7.

PhD in Psychology thesis defence

Editor’s note: Emily Davis’ thesis defence, originally planned for Wednesday, June 5, is being rescheduled. Updated information will be provided when available. 

Master of Science in Applied Health Sciences (Health Sciences) thesis defence

Larissa Rowdon, a Master of Science in Applied Health Sciences candidate, will defend the thesis “Clinical Periodontal Outcomes and COVID-19” on Monday, June 3 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. via MS Teams.

The examination committee includes Michelle Vine, Chair; Wendy Ward, Supervisor; Dr. Omar Usman, External Examiner (Durham Periodontics); and Phil Sullivan and Peter Fritz, Committee Members.

Read more stories in: Applied Health Sciences, Briefs, Graduate Students, Graduate Studies, Social Sciences
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