New copy machines to be installed at Brock

Brock is reducing its energy consumption and printing costs with a new generation of copy machines being installed this week.

Beginning Thursday, Feb. 16, Information Technology Services and Printing Services will start installing the Ricoh 4500 Multi-Function Devices (MFDs).

The fleet of 92 units will be stationed in centralized department locations, reducing the need for costly desktop printing, and are an upgrade from the previous generation of MFDs currently in service.

The updated printing contract results in a $160,000 savings over the previous agreement and reduces the University’s overall energy consumption.

Because of the similarities to currently-used units, no formal training will be required to begin using the Ricoh 4500s; however, it is requested that one member of the team hosting the unit be present for installation, which will last about 30 minutes. Training manuals will also be provided.

All devices will be the same, with slight variations in their finishing trays, but changes from past models will include:

  • Swipe payment has been replaced with TAP touch from a Brock Card.
  • Integrated scanning to email or scan to OneDrive.
  • The crimp staple function no longer being available.

All new Ricoh 4500s will be using IM 6000 toner. Departments are asked to stack up any old C6003 toner on top of the device being returned. The Ricoh logistics team will pick up the old device from the department on a Monday or Wednesday within two to three days after the new device is installed.

Departments will be notified shortly to confirm their installation date.

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