Brock employees are reminded that their feedback and request forms are being sought regarding the University’s work-from-home pilot.
Employees who have yet to submit work-from-home request forms for the Winter Term are asked to do so as soon as possible, and all employees are encouraged to fill out an anonymous survey on the project by Friday, Jan. 21.
This past summer, the University launched the Work-From-Home Guideline pilot with plans to continue it until Aug. 31, 2022. At that time, employees submitted requests for formal work-from-home arrangements for the Fall Term, and more than 225 were approved.
As part of the Guideline, work-from-home arrangements are to be reviewed and renewed each term for the duration of the one-year pilot. With Winter Term here, employees are reminded to submit a request for formal work-from-home arrangements for January to April. Requests will need to be resubmitted again prior to the Spring/Summer Term.
To simplify the work-from-home request process, Human Resources moved forms to Workday, which allows employees to submit a request for approval to their supervisor in a similar way they would request time off.
Employees interested in working from home on a part- or full-time basis for the remainder of the Winter Term are encouraged to review the Guideline, discuss their proposed work-from-home arrangement with their supervisor and then complete the Work-From-Home request process on Workday.
The Work-From-Home Guideline may not be suitable or possible for all positions and does not apply to employees represented by BUFA, CUPE 1295, CUPE 4207-1 or CUPE 4207-3.
With the trial Guideline expiring Aug. 31, the University has a longer-term goal to establish a policy and program that will allow for more permanent flexible work arrangements that recognize the changing nature of work, generate higher job satisfaction, create better access, improve productivity and aid in recruitment and retention efforts to ensure Brock remains an employer of choice in the Niagara region.
To help inform the new policy and program, the Work-From-Home working group is asking supervisors and employees to provide feedback on the current work-from-home program via an anonymous survey by Friday, Jan. 21. Questions in the survey also address the University’s considerations for other flexible work arrangement possibilities, such as compressed work schedules or job sharing.
Survey links:
For more information or to provide additional feedback beyond the survey, please contact eerelations@brocku.ca