Brock Recreation is auctioning off several pieces of premium exercise equipment from the pre-expansion Zone Fitness Centre as construction on the new facility is complete.
The auction is open to the public by searching ‘Brock’ through the online auction site govdeals.ca
Adjustable benches are currently available with more items such as dumbbells, ellipticals, rowing ergs, barbells, adjustable benches, steppers, step climbers and various resistance training machines to be added in the coming days.
After several requests, the department decided to give the community a chance to own the equipment instead of receiving trade-in credit from suppliers.
“Since the spring, my inbox has been overwhelmed with emails from students, faculty and staff members, as well as Zone members from the community inquiring about purchasing some of our outgoing equipment,” said Eric Walter, Fitness Manager, Brock Recreation. “The equipment is in various conditions. Some of it has been sitting unused since March 2020 when the University closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Closing dates for bidding run from Tuesday, March 2 to Friday, March 5. All payments and co-ordination of pickups take place through govdeals.ca