ARMSTRONG: NZ can learn from Canada’s cannabis experience

Michael Armstrong, Associate Professor of Operations Research in Brock’s Goodman School of Business, had a piece recently published in the NZ Herald that informed readers in New Zealand about Canada’s legalization of recreation cannabis.

Armstrong writes:

“New Zealand’s government recently released its draft cannabis legalisation bill. As a Canadian business professor, I can’t tell your country how to should proceed; that’s your decision. But I can summarise Canada’s legalisation experience so far and suggest some lessons your country might learn from it.

Canada began legalising medical-use cannabis in 2001 and has gradually made it easier to access. Currently, any physician can authorise cannabis for their patients. Registered patients can grow their own plants or order products from government-licensed producers.

Legal recreational use began in October 2018. Adults can now grow cannabis themselves or buy it from more than 600 licensed shops and websites.”

Continue reading the full article here.

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