Brock mourns the death of Math professor Babak Farzad

Brock University was saddened to learn of the death of Babak Farzad, Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics.

Farzad died Dec. 27 following a battle with cancer. He was 41.

The Iranian scientist began his career at Brock University in 2007 as an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics. Farzad was granted tenure as an associate professor in 2011, which was followed by his appointment as Director of Brock’s Mathematics graduate program in 2016.

“Babak was truly a good colleague and a wonderful person. He made the department a better place from every point of view,” said Stephen Anco, Department Chair, Mathematics. “I knew him to be a colleague who would always provide a thoughtful opinion and sound advice, and who would always act with fairness and grace. I will miss his presence in the department very much.”

Ejaz Ahmed, Dean of the Faculty of Math and Science, was also saddened to learn of Farzad’s passing.

“He was an accomplished individual who was well-respected by his peers,” Ahmed said. “His unique background of computer science and mathematics made him a true asset to our Faculty.”

Ahmed said Farzad will be “missed by many in the Brock community.”

“My condolences go out to his family and friends during this tough time.”

Farzad earned a bachelor’s degree in computer software engineering in 1999 from Sharif University of Technology in Tehran, Iran, and completed his PhD in computer science at the University of Toronto in 2004. He was also a post-doctoral fellow at McGill University from 2005 to 2007.

During recent years at Brock, Farzad spent time spearheading a joint PhD program for Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science.

NOTE: A memorial for Farzad will be held Sunday, Feb. 24 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Music Room (2006) at Harthouse, University of Toronto. If you have photos, texts or anything else you would like to share or display during the memorial please send them to

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