A greeting to students from Chancellor Cheechoo

Hello, everybody, and welcome to Brock University!

I know that, for many of you, today is the first day of entering a new school, and we all understand if you’re feeling a little nervous. It’s okay. And there are many who are feeling pretty great, as this is your last year.

For those of you who are adjusting to being in a new environment, just say “Hi” to everyone you meet in the halls. I am sure no one will ignore you. And if you need any help, please just ASK. 

I want to say that each one of you has a responsibility to yourself. Everyone has that special something that you’re good at, and everyone has something to offer. At Brock, the education you receive will guide you to discover yourself. Opportunities are many — maybe you will be the person who finds a cure for cancer, maybe you are the next great writer, or the next Prime Minister.

Join teams, join clubs, discover new things, meet new people and help make change where it is needed, exercise your voice.  In today’s world, no matter what it is that you plan to do, I guarantee that you will need education to do it well.

This beautiful country we share will depend on you for a brighter future, it will need your voice on the challenges that it will face, such as new technology, economy, fighting poverty etc..  If you should decide to quit your studies, you are not only letting yourself, family, friends down but you have also turned your back on your country. I know it will not be easy, but the university has everything in place to help you through, just ASK.

And all I ask for is that you try and then try hard, there is really no excuse for not doing your work because you make your own dreams and you make sure that you have a future. Begin your journey with us by asking yourself how can I contribute to this educational institute this year?  Do not let yourself down.  You are in control of your own destiny.

Thank you and may the Great Spirit touch your heart.

Chancellor Cheechoo
Chancellor, Brock University

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