BURTON: Canada must join allies to solve North Korean crisis

Charles Burton, Associate Professor of Political Science at Brock, has written a piece recently published in the Toronto Star about the need for the international community to launch a co-ordinated response to North Korea’s disregard of international law.

Burton writes:

“North Korean state media said this week’s missile launch over Japan was just practice for an attack on Guam, ratcheting up a lunatic’s taunting of the global village with manic brinkmanship.

Kim Jong Un’s game of “Korean roulette” makes responses like trade sanctions or joint naval exercises seem like kindergarten fare. As the world sputters in fury, North Korea — supported by China — keeps perfecting a nuclear capacity that exists to threaten peace.

The time for boilerplate statements by Canada — expressing regret, urging restraint on all sides — has passed. The next border a Korean missile crosses is likely ours. North Korea’s relentless flouting of international law demands a more serious, co-ordinated response by the international community, including Canada. Increasingly, the only resolution is to reunify the Korean peninsula through UN action, and use South Korea’s considerable resources to reconstruct the North.”

Continue reading the full article here.

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