Time to update your BUSU contact list

If you’ve tried emailing someone in the Brock University Students’ Union recently, you may have noticed the email bounced back.

In October, the Students’ Union switched from @busu.net email addresses to @brockbusu.ca to coincide with the launch of its new website. The @brockbusu.ca addresses more closely align with the University’s @brocku.ca addresses.

Chris Green, BUSU General Manager, said as of May 1, the old @busu.net email addresses were no longer valid, meaning some people who hadn’t yet updated their contact lists were having emails bounce back.

The name format of first initial.last name remain the same, so if someone is trying to reach Green, for example, the address would be cgreen@brockBUSU.ca.

A full staff directly can be found on the BUSU website.

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