A lesson in francophone culture for language students


To Jean Ntakirutimana, there’s no better way for students to learn about culture than to touch it.

To mark Francophone Immigration Week, the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures, which Ntakirutimana is the chair of, invited Sofifran Niagara in to set up a display of francophone culture.

The display of cultural artefacts this year was from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and included instruments, statues, artwork, toys and other items.

“We do it because we think our students need to be exposed to different cultures,” said Ntakirutimana, who has brought in displays from Chad, Morocco and Haiti to mark the previous three Francophone Immigration weeks.

“It’s important to give the students the opportunity to see and touch various francophone cultures and to learn that languages are not only spoken, but also lived,” he said.

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