New name, new look for Brock athletics and recreation

It’s a new era for athletics and recreation at Brock University.

The department that oversees all varsity, club and recreational athletics programming at the University has changed its name to Brock Sports.

Director Neil Lumsden made the announcement Wednesday morning, calling it an “exciting time” in Brock’s history.

“The essence of who and what we are is really based on sport and activity, so Brock Sports is an exciting new direction for all of us,” he said. The new name and logo follows the merger of the former separate departments of Athletics and Recreation last year.

The Brock Badgers name will remain unchanged, but the new Brock Sports title covers all activities that fall under the merged department’s watch such as varsity and club sports, recreational programs, summer camps and community engagement. The recently announced Brock University High Performance Centre will also be part of the Brock Sports portfolio.

“It’s a great way to adjust the culture to bring people together in one department,” Lumsden said. “For us it’s about community engagement creating more opportunities.”

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