Conversations with Goodman podcast features CPA Ontario student recruiter Mallory Rellinger

This week, Mallory Rellinger, student recruiter at CPA Ontario, makes an appearance on the Conversations with Goodman podcast.

Rellinger talks to host Susan LeBlanc about the CPA designation and the opportunities that it can lead to. They talk about the fact that accounting careers are dynamic and exciting, and how students can connect with reps on campus to start building a relationship with CPA Ontario. Rellinger, who is the primary contact for Brock students who want to learn more about the designation, is on campus several times throughout the year as the Goodman School of Business has a strong relationship with CPA Ontario. The podcast ends with an update on upcoming events that Brock students can attend.

This is the latest in the Conversations with Goodman series which is produced by the Goodman Marketing, Communications and Alumni Relations team and features guests from the Goodman community. Last week’s episode featured Najlaa Rauf, student engagement coordinator, Rudy Ambrosio, President, Goodman Business Students’ Association and Neil Bourque, President, Goodman Graduate Business Council. They chatted about student life at Goodman and the value in getting involved outside of the classroom.

Listen to this week’s podcast below:

Watch this week’s podcast here:


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