Publications and Presentations – May 2 (Humanities)

Arner, Lynn (2013). Chaucer, Gower, and the Vernacular Rising: Poetry and the Problem of the Populace After 1381. University Park, PA: Penn State University Press.

Keri Cronin (VISA) presented at the “Living With Animals” conference held at Eastern Kentucky University in March. Her talk was part of the “Teaching With Animals” stream of the conference and focused on her experiences developing and teaching VISA 3P98: “Picturing Animals,” a senior-level special topics course in the Department of Visual Arts at Brock.

David Hayes (Applied Linguistics) presented a paper entitled “Negative peace, positive peace and second language education in Sri Lanka” at the 13th international conference of the International Academy of Linguistic Law on “Language Rights, Inclusion and the Prevention of Ethnic Conflicts”, in Chiang Mai, Thailand, 13-17 December 2012.

Felipe E. Ruan (Modern Languages, Literatures & Cultures ) co-organized (with Domingo Ledezma, Wheaton College) and chaired the special session entitled Agency, Identity, and the Petitionary Genre in Colonial Latin America at the annual convention of the Modern Languages Association in Boston, January 2013.

Felipe E. Ruan (Modern Languages, Literatures & Cultures) presented the paper “Censorship, the Censor, and Bartolomé de Torres Naharro¹s /Propalladia/(1573)” at the annual convention of the Modern Languages Association in Boston, January 2013.

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