The general bylaws of the Board of Trustees specify that three members from the permanent staff, elected by the permanent staff members of the University, serve staggered three-year terms on the Board. Permanent staff members who are managers reporting directly to the President or to a Vice-President are not eligible to serve.
Effective July 1, 2012, there will be one permanent staff vacancy on the Board. Therefore, an election of one representative from the permanent staff for a three-year term commencing July 1, 2012, is required.
Nomination forms for this election are available on the University Secretariat website at
The nomination form must be signed by at least three members of the permanent staff and the nominee, and submitted to the secretary to the Board of Trustees (ST1107) no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, May 4, 2012.
Ballots will be distributed to all members of the permanent staff on or before Wednesday, May 9. Completed ballots are to be returned to the secretary to the Board of Trustees, sealed in the envelope that will be provided by the close of the poll at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, May 18, 2012.
The candidate leading the poll will be declared elected to the three-year term.
Please contact Mike Farrell (x3335) if you have any questions.