Publications — Feb. 16

Beckett, Sandra. (2011.) “A Practical Case Study: Little Red Riding Hood.” In Children’s Literature Studies: A Research Handbook. Ed. M. O. Grenby and Kimberley Reynolds. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 78-82.

Beckett, Sandra. (2011.) “Crossover.” In Keywords for Children’s Literature. Ed. Philip Nel and Lissa Paul, New York: New York University Press. pp. 58-61.

Beckett, Sandra. (2011.) “Crossover Classics: Classics for All Ages.” In Brave New World: Old and New Classics of Children’s Literature. Ed. Elena Paruolo. Oxford: Peter Lang. pp. 31-44.

Beckett, Sandra. (2011.) “Practical Advice for Researchers.” In Children’s Literature Studies: A Research Handbook. Ed. M. O. Grenby and Kimberley Reynolds. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 73-78.

Dolansky, F. (2011.) “Honouring the family dead on the Parentalia: ceremony, spectacle, and memory,” Phoenix 65.1-2: pp. 125-157.

De Clercq, D., Thongpapanl, N. and Dimov, D. (2011.) “The Moderating Role of Organizational Context on the Relationship between Innovation and Firm Performance.” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 58(3), pp. 431-444.

De Clercq, D., Thongpapanl, N. and Dimov, D. (2011.) “A Closer Look at Cross-Functional Collaboration and Product Innovativeness: Contingency Effects of Structural and Relational Context.” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 28(5), pp. 680-697.

Thongpapanl, N. and Ashraf, A. (2011.) “Enhancing Online Performance through Website Content and Personalization.” Journal of Computer Information Systems, 52(1), pp. 3-13.

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