Employees honoured at holiday celebration

Jack Lightstone and Geeta Powell

Jack Lightstone and Geeta Powell

Numerous faculty and staff were given service awards recently at the annual President’s Holiday Celebration.

In the Dec. 6 event in Pond Inlet, President Jack Lightstone recognized eight employees who have worked at Brock for 35 years and 25 employees who have worked here for 25 years. He also gave out five distinguished service awards.

Recipients were as follows:

President’s Distinguished Staff Awards
Stefan Kamendy, Centre for Digital Humanities
Wanda Fast, Human Resources, Environment Health and Safety
Charlene MacLellan, Sport Management
Ana Haljkevic, Custodial Services

Human Resources Distinguished Service Award for Leadership
Geeta Powell, International Services and Programs Abroad

35 Years of Service

Jill DeBon, Sociology
Sandra Felton, Accounting
Carol Ann Gaspari, Liaison Services
Marilou Iusi, Athletics
William Mathie, Political Science
Kathryn Smart, Administrative Information Systems
Mika Vervoort, Registrar’s Office – Admissions
Dorothy Witte, Office of the Vice-President, Finance and Administration

25 Years of Service

Michelle Allard, Client Services
Colleen Beard, Map Library
Kathryn Belicki, Psychology
Sandra Bolibruck, Registrar’s Office
Leah Bradshaw, Political Science
Douglas Bruce, Biological Sciences
Lisa Buckland, Department of Residences
Richard Cheel, Dean’s Office – Mathematics and Science
Carman Cullen, Marketing, International Business and Strategy
David DiBattista, Psychology
Catherine Foreman, Collections Services
Heather Hockridge, Registrar’s Office – Admissions
Michael Kompf, Graduate and Undergraduate
Gary McDonnell, Tech Services – Electronics
Fatima Noorbhai, Librarian’s Office
Gerald Papineau, Central Utilities Building
Mary Pisiak, Project and Administrative Support Office
William Ralph, Mathematics
Robert Rattew, CUB – Grounds
Evelyn Smith, Library
Sharon Smith, Instructional Resource Centre
Susan Smith, Custodial Services
Clara Suba, Centre for Digital Humanities
Diane Uppal, Registrar’s Office – Advising/Protocol
Rosemary Young, Graduate and Undergraduate

Charlene MacLellan and Jack Lighstone

Charlene MacLellan and Jack Lightstone

Ana Haljkevic and Jack Lightstone

Ana Haljkevic and Jack Lightstone

Stefan Kamendy and Jack Lightstone

Stefan Kamendy and Jack Lightstone

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