Nominations are being accepted for the annual President’s Distinguished Service Awards for Staff.
The awards recognize individual permanent staff members who consistently provide outstanding contributions to the working environment at Brock at a level significantly above normal expectations.
The award will be awarded to a maximum of four recipients (two to support/technical/maintenance employees and two to administrative/professional employees) and will include a certificate of recognition and $500. The awards will be presented at the President’s Annual Holiday Celebration in December.
- Staff members should be active ongoing employees with at least 10 years of service at the University.
- All permanent employees with benefits entitlement are eligible, excluding staff reporting directly to the president or a vice-president.
Employee should have excelled in one or more of the following:
- Demonstrated exemplary service and/or have made a significant contribution in his/her unit
- Did something exceptional to advance Brock’s reputation
- Made a significant contribution to the University and/or community
- Provided a valuable service to the broader community at Brock outside his/her own unit
- Application forms and endorsement forms are available from the Office of Human Resources and Environment, Health and Safety or at
- Nominations must include a completed application form from the nominating person along with three additional endorsement forms of support.
- Any member of the Brock Community may submit or support a nomination. (Nominators/referees should nominate or support only one person in a year).
Selection committee:
- A committee comprising of six members made up of at least: one OSSTF member, one CUPE 1295 member, one BUFA member, one SAC member and one member of the administrative/professional staff group will review the applications and make recommendations to the president. The manager of Human Resources or his/her designate shall chair the committee.
- The committee will meet in November to review applications for the awards and make recommendations to the president based on the criteria established and referred to in the nomination form. The committee will also solicit feedback from the staff member’s immediate supervisor and division head.
Please forward nomination and endorsement forms to Human Resources by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 4, 2011 in a sealed envelope marked “Confidential — Distinguished Service Award Nominations.” Direct any questions to 905-688-5550 x3808 or